[Course Forum] Let's Learn Japanese course series (formerly SGJL)

Thanks. I’ve had fun with the tutors though I don’t feel I learn that much. It’s more like going to karaoke or to a bar where I get to use my Japanese outside the study time with a person that’ll correct and help me as needed. Yes, iTalki is much easier and less scary than people think.

You can’t copy directly from Anki to Memrise, but export the deck as “notes” in Anki, use that in a spreadsheet to format, the copy/paste to bulk upload to Memrise. There’s an Anki plug-in to download Memrise courses though.

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Ok, I’ll add the bonus courses back at the bottom. I’ll also add the Japanese Drama Immersion courses in there, but treat them as optional.

Edit: Ok, added them back. Verify that you see them now, please.

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Yup I can see them in there now, thank you.

I noticed that on SGJL 04 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 01 ends with lesson 11 but on SGJL 04 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 02 it begins with lesson 21. Is there a course missing between these two?

Just a numbering system: Basic is 1-20 (only 11 though), Essential is 21-40 (only 39), Special is 41-60 (only 15 or so I think).

Interesting re ordering, guess I have a lot of grammar in my near future, though I’ll go ahead and finish part 1 of vocab since I’m so close to the end anyway. What made you decide to change the order? (not that I mind, just curious)

Also anyone else had the timer disabler script stop working? I’m doing vocab and thankfully it still works for audio questions, but for vocab its still on. It does give enough time I guess, but its stressful.

edit: it doesn’t work for grammar either, this is going to be a real problem :frowning:

edit 2: found a new one that works! Userscripts [e.g. Memrise Turbo and Memrise Timer Disabler] and some userstyles stopped working with today's web update

There was no change in the order. I just used the numbering system to make it easier to manage the spreadsheet all this information happened to be on.

@Nukemarine, such shit that Memrise drove you away. You did great stuff for this platform and will be missed.

That is unfortunate but perhaps you could give some of the active SGJL users access to create the additional SGJL courses here based on the material you gather in Anki etc?


So how well am I meant to understand what’s in Tae Kim? I’m getting on to the essential section now and starting to have a bit of trouble breaking down sentences and fully understanding them. Is just sort of getting a rough understanding understanding enough to keep moving forward, or should I really be understanding it totally so that I get more advanced stuff later?

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Keep moving forward. Let the SRS test your retention of what you learn, as you learn more and more new things. Remember though to do all reviews first, then use remaining study time to learn more.


Bummer about more advanced courses being more mundane/tedious to create within Memrise. Are they open to suggestion? I’d really love to keep using Memrise and paying them for the perceived value but when I get to the advanced level, I may stop paying.


hey, I was looking at one of your Zettai Kareshi courses today, and I noticed there were no more English translations. Did you remove all of them when you quit memrise?

Damn, this is a bummer if you did. Was hoping go through those four courses. :disappointed_relieved:

The English translations are there, but Memrise did an update so that “audio cards” don’t show the extra information. I don’t know their reasoning, but it’s not good and really hurts that course. It was a big reason I finally stopped using Memrise.

You could post a “bug report” and mention that problem. They might change it back if they realize people need that extra info even on “audio” cards.


Ah, I hadn’t heard about that. I’ll try to contact them on this forum (…) and see if I get any response (…). Thanks for the clarification. Good for you taking the steps to leave this site. I fear waking up and having all my progress be gone after some update. I should really get onto moving platforms.

Actually, maybe a script writer could fix this…


I was wondering how the Intermediate courses are going since I am very interested in them :slight_smile: I don’t know if I understood correctly but, are those only available for your patreon supporters?

Thank you very much in advance (and in general fo taking the time and effort to provide such high quality resources for Japanese learners).

It’ll be quite a while before I get around to making intermediate level Anki decks. However, they’re not too hard to make without all the small improvements I’ll be doing. For example, here’s an Anki deck someone made from the spreadsheet and audio I linked to above: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XdgXTaMbOBm3iPcVbwgv0TtQoBzMV-Ur

Something similar could be done with the kanji courses. What I’ll be doing is hosting the material which can be useful should I make improvements.

Hi Nukemarine!

I see you’re not as involved on memrise anymore but your vocabulary courses are my favorite I’ve found thus far.

Going into SGJL 07 - Core 2k/6k though, I’m realizing a lot of the audio files are either broken or missing. I’m not sure if I’m the only one having this issue. I haven’t checked it on a browser yet, only in app.

EDIT: j/k I think its just my WiFi connection being real gosh darned shoddy.