[Course Forum] Let's Learn Japanese course series (formerly SGJL)

The English translations are there, but Memrise did an update so that “audio cards” don’t show the extra information. I don’t know their reasoning, but it’s not good and really hurts that course. It was a big reason I finally stopped using Memrise.

You could post a “bug report” and mention that problem. They might change it back if they realize people need that extra info even on “audio” cards.


Ah, I hadn’t heard about that. I’ll try to contact them on this forum (…) and see if I get any response (…). Thanks for the clarification. Good for you taking the steps to leave this site. I fear waking up and having all my progress be gone after some update. I should really get onto moving platforms.

Actually, maybe a script writer could fix this…


I was wondering how the Intermediate courses are going since I am very interested in them :slight_smile: I don’t know if I understood correctly but, are those only available for your patreon supporters?

Thank you very much in advance (and in general fo taking the time and effort to provide such high quality resources for Japanese learners).

It’ll be quite a while before I get around to making intermediate level Anki decks. However, they’re not too hard to make without all the small improvements I’ll be doing. For example, here’s an Anki deck someone made from the spreadsheet and audio I linked to above: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XdgXTaMbOBm3iPcVbwgv0TtQoBzMV-Ur

Something similar could be done with the kanji courses. What I’ll be doing is hosting the material which can be useful should I make improvements.

Hi Nukemarine!

I see you’re not as involved on memrise anymore but your vocabulary courses are my favorite I’ve found thus far.

Going into SGJL 07 - Core 2k/6k though, I’m realizing a lot of the audio files are either broken or missing. I’m not sure if I’m the only one having this issue. I haven’t checked it on a browser yet, only in app.

EDIT: j/k I think its just my WiFi connection being real gosh darned shoddy.

Ok, glad that was resolved. I did not look forward to having to get someone to reload all that audio.

Hey Nuke, hope all’s well.
I have a minor error in the Shinkanzen course.

The 16th word’s voice says a sentence that includes じゅうさつ instead of じゅっさつ.
Edit: Also the voice is wrong for the 19th.

Edit 2: Also 着させる is mispronounced as ちゃくさせる, and こさせる as きさせる here:

Edit 3: Okay, I think I’m dragging this on more than I should, but here we go. 帰らされる is mispronounced as きらされる, and 来させられ as きたさせられ, and 作らされ as さくらされ.

First, you may notice I’m calling this “Let’s Learn Japanese” which is more appropriate to what I want to accomplish: everyone to learn Japanese together. It’ll be abbreviated LLJ for course listings.

Now a sincere apology to existing users of the course. I am altering the Tae Kim Grammar courses to be prompt with Japanese expression, answer with English. However, this means that progress will not carry over due to Memrise’s limitations.

This change is necessary as I have been pushing recently for Comprehension based learning meaning students learn a “see Japanese, understand Japanese”. The previous layout was showing an English sentence and essentially forcing students to translate which is more difficult and prone to false negatives.

This is not a small impact given the hundreds actively using the course. However, I think the overall benefit will be a net positive in time.

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I was just about to start the “Tae Kim Grammar” course, once you’ve completed the alterations will you post here to let everyone know?

I look forward to the changes to the course. :slight_smile:

Changes were done yesterday.

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How can I fix view of long sentence? SGJL09

If you’re using mobile, you may have to suspend those cards. It’s an issue with Memrise creating “reverse cards” even when the course creators don’t want that to happen.


Where do I start? These courses have both inspired me and amazed me. I want to thank you on all of your work Nukemarine! These courses have given countless people joy and are continuing to! So I’m gonna say what we are ALL thinking. Thanks! We appreciate your work and I myself will never stop using these courses. So just keep up the good work! And never give up inspiring us with your SGJL (former) courses! :slight_smile:
So yet again, Thanks!

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The courses are numbered in order, so for people that don’t know hiragana and katakana yet would start on these two courses:

And then after that they would move onto the first Kanji course:

And then onto the rest of the courses such as:


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Hi, just stumbled upon your course yesterday and I’m absolutely loving your work! It might be much for me to ask but do you have RTKO in anki format? While Memrise is great the UI is a bit cluttering at times and focusing on the singular kanji is kind of hard. Thank you for reading :slight_smile:

Yes. There are decks I’ve made floating around. I also host the decks for members of my Patreon. However, if you own the RTK books, I’ll share those decks with you even if you’re not a member.


Thank you so much for replying :smiley:! And really sorry for replying late :sweat:. That is very generous of you to offer without me even paying for Patreon. I do have the book ordered last month but it still hasn’t arrived yet (living in a rural area) so I sadly can’t show you I have the book on hand but I do have the receipt. Will pay you through patreon when I have the income to (Am a student).

But on a different note, I’m wondering why you’d follow Heisig’s keyword for 況 as “But of course” instead of “condition/situation”?

Hey! Thank you for this amazing course! Best thing I’ve seen around for learning Kana.

However, I’ve got a question. After completing first two Kana courses I’ve started the 1st Kanji course, and I’ve noticed that there’s no Kana transcription of Kanji, only English meaning. So while I’m learning meaning of each Kanji, I’ve no idea how to pronounce them. Is this how it was designed in the first place? Or something has changed in Memrise app which, as I’m aware, happens quite often?

EDIT: Nevermind, I’ve found your answer in this thread 3 years earlier. Sorry!