Finnish Grammar: Possessive Suffixes
Lets talk about possessive suffixes and practice it together. For those who are more educated please correct and explain. For those who don’t know about possessive suffixes I suggest going to
I am trying to learn possessive suffixes and I get the basic idea.
minun my book = kirja ni
sinun your book = kirja si
hänen his/her book = kirja nsa
miedän our book = kirja mme
teidän your (plu.) book = kirja nne
heidän their book = kirja nsa
I understand just adding the personal ending but I have a few questions for those who have a better understanding of this.
I learned what I know of this from Uusi Kielemme (website) so I understand the formula for when the word ends in -nen, -si, -e, -as/äs,… etc
I am a little uncertain of the consonant gradation taking place and I I don’t have smeone to correct me if I’m wrong so I really don’t want to start studying and practicing these if I don’t have a clear understanding of these concepts. In what I’ve read I only see examples of consonant gradation from weak to strong and not strong to weak so my first question is; do I consonant gradate from strong to weak? Planetta has a -tt- which is strong so it would go to -t-. Or when working with possessive suffixes is it only weak to strong? Teltta, kännykkä, reppu, paketti,… etc.
Planeetta (planet)
? or ?
my planet = planeetani OR planeettani
your planet = planeetasi OR planeettasi
his/her planet = planeetansa OR planeettansa
our planet = planeetamme OR planeettamme
your (plu.) planet = planeetanne or planeettanne
their planet = planeetansa OR planeettansa
I also have trouble identifying what words are old Finnish words, as with the rule: Old Finnish words ending in -i: -i changes to -e. I have a list of words I am working with and I want to know if they fall under this category or if they are worked out normally.
I don’t think passi is an old word so therefore it would be conjugated as below but it doesn’t look right. Prinssi, pussi, … etc.
-si changes to -te ?
Passi (passport)
? or ?
my passport = pasteni OR passeni
your passport = pastesi OR passensi
his/her passport = pastensa OR passensa
our passport = pastemme OR passemme
your (plu.) passport = pastenne OR passenne
their passport = pastensa OR passensa
Also what do I do what I have a word that ends in a consonant such as aivot (brain) ? and all words that end in a -t indicating more than one: pelit (games), leffat (movies), astiat (dishes), kengät (shoes),…etc.
my brain =
your brain =
his/her brain =
our brain =
your (plu.) brain =
their brain =