[Course Forum] Learning Korean from English Duolingo for Korean Speakers

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Discussion by learners in the Memrise course: Korean Duolingo for English Speakers.
@jessie177 course creator
Added July 30, 2018: Forum name changed to the more appropriate
“Learning Korean from English Duolingo for Korean Speakers”,
as the Memrise course is constructed from and arranged according to
a Duolingo course designed to teach English to Korean speakers.
The Memrise course is still called “Korean Duolingo for English Speakers”.

In Korean Duolingo for English Speakers, Level 6, Food-Block 4, there is a typo:

그 소년은 돼지고기를 먹습니다다, The boy eats pork.

It should be …먹습니다, not …먹습니다다! It counts a correct answer as wrong,
and requires you to answer incorrectly.

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Hello Daniel. Thank you for letting me know. I’ll correct it as soon as possible.:+1: If you will find anything else please let me know! I will be really glad. Usually, when I make the course I am already quite tired because I don’t have a lot of free time, so I create it from 1:00 to 4:00 AM, which means that there will be more likely some mistakes. I am sorry for it. Anyway, I hope you like the course and if you will have any good idea how to enhance this course or what I could add, again I’ll be glad if you let me know.

Have a nice day Daniel.:grinning:

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It’s fixed! I’ve checked also an audio and it was incorrect as well, :roll_eyes: so I fixed it as well.:grin:

@jessie177 Since you are the course creator you can add a link to this forum
on the course description, so that more learners will find and use the forum.

@DanielDix That’s a good idea, thanks. :grinning:
Are you studying Korean through a reverse course on Duolingo? Or do you just got interested in this course because how it’s made?

@jessie177, I am studying Korean on Duolingo, but it has many flaws

  and weaknesses as a course. Vocabulary drill was one of those weaknesses,

  so I was happy when I read on a Duolingo forum that a Memrise vocabulary

  course based on Duolingo Korean had been created. I have been using

  your course ever since alongside Duolingo. However, are the words and phrases

  in your course drawn directly from Duolingo Korean in the order they

  appear in Duolingo Korean? I have been wondering, since in the new Duolingo Korean

  tree the vocabulary lists are gone, and I have been going back (and going to level 3)

on Basics1 and Basics2 and am not sure the vocabulary

in those lessons correspond exactly with the early words in your

course. Yours, DD

@jessie177 in Level 6, Food - Block 4 the sentence

그 남자는 기름이 있습니다 The man has oil

there is no audio.

@jessie177 In Level 13, Clothes, Block 9, the word you must learn is
셔츠 1
The space and the numeral 1 must be included to get answers correct.
There are two other words for shirt and they have numerals 2 and 3
attached. Are the numbers assigned arbitrary, or are they giving the
most frequently used, second most frequently used, third most
frequently used? If the numbers are arbitrary, why must we include them
when we answer?

In Level 9, Plurals, Block 6 there are several “lengthy” sentences:
e.g. 소녀들이 샌드위치들을 먹습니다
Girls eat sandwiches
One is given the English and then one must select the various syllables
from a “long” list. In this example there are 16 syllables (counting
spaces between words, which cannot be absent). There is not enough
time given to search through the list for 16 different things, even if you
know everything necessary. Please add a few more seconds, especially
to this one.

By the way, check out the Tinycards for Duolingo Korean at

The words are exactly from the Duolingo Korean lessons.

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Thank you, Daniel, for all of your remarks. I am currently abroad so I don’t have time to improve everything right now. But I promise I will do it as soon as possible. Thank you also for the link from Tiny cards. I have been looking for it for a month or two ago and there wasn’t anything like this at that time, so it is really nice that somebody has done it already.
The last thing I want to tell you is: please read the description of this course because this course is NOT related to Korean Duolingo course for English speakers but it was made for English speakers who want to learn Korean through Duolingo for Korean speakers! And that is a really big difference. To make you understand what does it mean, you must try to imagine that you are an English speaker who knows some Korean grammar and vocabulary and you came to Duolingo you switch it from your native language (from English for instance) to Korean and you try to learn Korean this little bit complicated way. So, yes, as you had written the vocabulary isn’t the same as on Korean Duolingo for English speakers. It can’t be, because there is really different vocabulary in each of these courses.
I hope you will understand it more now.

Have a nice day Daniel

@jessie177 This explains a lot that I didn’t understand before. Thanks for clarifying this.
So the vocabulary and the sentences come from a Duolingo course for Korean speakers who want to learn English. You took the English-Korean vocabulary (or sentence) pairs and switched them (so that the answer becomes the question and the question becomes the answer), discarded the English audio, and added some Korean audio.

This explains the overly heavy emphasis on plurals (using 들) which are often not indicated in Korean (being usually understood from the context) but are always explicitly indicated in English.


Yes, exactly. Because they insist on it there.
You can try these course instead if you want. The first one is mine and the second one is from creator called shellshock. Or you can use Tiny cards instead of Memrise.

@jessie177 The (Duolingo) TinyCards and the (Memrise) Duolingo Vocab both lack audio (at least in the early lessons I have tried). For an English speaker like me, audio from a native Korean speaker is essential to improve my listening ear (comprehension) and my pronunciation. Thanks again for putting audio into your course.

Even though I know it is asking a lot, I wish some creators would add an example sentence (on the same card introducing the word) limited to the vocabulary in that (or previous) units illustrating the usage (same part of speech and meaning) on which the card is based. The Hangul or English translation of the example sentence should not be given, just audio. Multiple meanings separated by slashes, (or even worse) multiple Korean words (for the same English meaning) on the same card are not so good in my opinion. I would desire audio for every Korean word introduced. This sounds laborious to create, but so very valuable to the learner.

@jessie177 Level 15 Verbs l - Block 10
There is no audio.

@jessie177 Level 15 Verbs l - Block 10
뜁니다1 run 1
Normally there is a space between the Hangeul and the number,
but not in this case. I get it wrong for this silly reason. Please fix.
Perhaps it is run 1 since 뜁니다 was the first correct Korean answer
to translate the English “run”. But 달리다 seems easier and more common.

@jessie177 Level 6 Food–Block 4
그 남자과 그 여자는 차를 마십니다 the man and the woman drink tea
This is too long for the time allotted. Please add more time.
The definite articles are needed in English but are rarely used in Korean.
This is another artifact of how this course was created. But English speakers
trying to learn Korean should not think Koreans would write or say
그 남자과 그 여자는 차를 마십니다
even if they mean what English speakers do if they say or write
“the man and the woman drink tea”.

@jessie177 Level 6, Food Block 4
그 남자과 그 여자는 차를 마십니다 the man and the woman drink tea
It should be 남자와 not 남자과. -과 is used after a final consonant,
whereas -와 is used after a syllable with no final consonant. Perhaps
this is an exception, but probably not.

I am not sure if this bug is a general Memrise bug or particular to this course.
The leaderboard in the course overview page seems to have the week and the month totals
switched. In both cases it would be the total number of points earned for that person for
that period. So the weekly total cannot be larger than the monthly total. It says I have
earned 5735 points in the last month and 24,438 points in the last week!

There are only four active users of this course in the last month.