[Course Forum] Learn Cyrillic & Mastering Macedonian - by Yatalu

I don’t know what the customs are for this kind of thing but! I’ll make this thread to contact me about any mistakes etc. found in the courses that we created for Macedonian

Learn the Macedonian Cyrillic alphabet

Learn basic Macedonian (500+ words)

Can contact me here in this thread or by private message, or on Discord (name: Yatalu#6467). I’ll do my best to check this regularly!

Currently added vocab for the second course is the following:

  1. Азбука и изговор — Macedonian alphabet
  2. Еј, јас сум Јаталу — Greetings & phrases
  3. Како е? — Asking what/how things are
  4. Турист ли си? — Nationalities
  5. Од Белгија сум — Country names
  6. Зборувам холандски — Language names
  7. Два чаја, ве молам — Ordering, small numbers
  8. Колку е часот? — Time, bigger numbers
  9. Кога ти е роденден? — Dates, ordinal numbers

Audio only added to chapter 1 + a bit of chapter 2 & 3.