Thank you so much Naltai for bringing that to my attention!
I… can’t actually remember where I got that word and kanji for the mine. But you’re right they’re both COMPLETELY wrong! I’ve corrected that entry to はいこう 廃坑
Thank you also for the other corrections!! I’ve fixed all of those now and added alternate answers for the ones you requested.
Thank you everyone who lets me know about corrections!!!
I apologies that it takes me so long to make improvements. I do Japanese Talk Online and the Memrise courses in my free time but time gets away from me and before I know it it’s been… 5 months…
Thank you for your support and patience! I hope that you’ve still found these courses helpful for your Japanese!
Hello! Thanks heaps for making all these courses!
I’ve noticed a few mistakes in your JLPT N1 Vocabulary 日本語総まとめ 語彙 course.
Mainly to do with spelling:
Level 3: typo of embarrassed
Level 6: The kanji for つむ and つまむ is the same so sometimes both pop up in testing. Maybe you could put (1) or (2) by the kanji?
Level 11: rehabilitate not rehabilitize (it’s not a word)
Level 17: typo of aggravated
Level 17: typo of phlegm caught in one’s throat
Level 25: typo of various
Level 29: typo of truly
If I pick up on anymore I’ll be sure to let you know.
Thanks again for the lists!
JLPT N1 Vocabulary 日本語総まとめ 語彙
level 1.1
いさぎよい at the moment is only accepted at “frank” but after asking about usage, it isn’t really used to mean ‘frank’, but more like ‘gracious’, ‘sportsmanlike’ or ‘resolute’.
For example,
Course: Anime Japanese for Beginners (course number 250545)
Level: 4 (fantasy/adventure anime)
Error: the kanji given for “Run!” (にげて) is 苦手; that actually says “nigate”. It should be 逃げて.
Hey all! Just to let people know I went on hiatus in June 2018 due to being incredibly busy. Then I got a job in Japan and got even more busy.
I’ve made the updates I can.
Please let me know if you have anymore, but please be aware it may take me several months to implement them.
Feel free to let me know on the Jtalkonlineblog facebook page if I’m taking too long. I can’t promise anything right but seeing how people are finding the courses useful really helps motivate me.
These courses have both inspired me and made me fall in love with the Japanese language. Courses are amazing. Love the update! , still an avid user of these courses.
These courses are pretty much the thing that got me to start learning Japanese properly, definitely good courses. Much appreciated that they have been created.
Cool that you’ve got a job in Japan, hope it is all going well.