[Course Forum] JTalkOnline Courses Corrections

Are you planning to add audio for the particle courses too? That would make them even better.

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Hi! First, I want to thank you again for making this list and others like it here. I really appreciate it!

I hate to bother you, but in addition to some of the above that still don’t seem to be completely fixed, I’ve found some more errors recently.

名の通った医者 (should be 医師 to match the reading/book)

みそ汁がちょっとあまい miso is a bit mild (塩分が少ない)
–should be みそ汁はちょっと甘い to match the book/use the proper kanji

機械に強い - to know a lot about maths (should be machines)

Again, sorry to bother you. I wish I could somehow just fix these myself without bothering anyone!

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More mistakes or missing kanji…

そこの道 the area (分野)
–should be その道 I think

先へ進む more forward
–should be moVe forward

仏の道を説く to breach Buddah’s teachings
-to PReach Buddah’s teachings

ストーカーになやむ >> ストーカーに悩む
to be stalked (worry about a stalker)

Uターンげんしょう >> Uターン現象
the phenomenon of people returning to live in their home town

1ちゃくでゴールインする >> 1着でゴールインする
to come in first

More mistakes…

盛り上げる to pile up, to heap up; to liven up
should be 盛り上がる to swell; to rise; to liven up

しきに soon (すぐに)
should be じきに

しずくがたれる water drips (drips drip)
**missing kanji

あかをおとす to scrub oneself clean
**missing kanji

I noticed this when in review mode:

JLPT N5 Vocabulary & Kanji
Level 7: Places - Week 1.6
たてもの: This was one of the questions with the three audio options to select from. Two different recordings of that word were among those options (two were the same recording voiced by a man and one by a woman). I selected the latter and it was marked as incorrect, then a couple of questions later it came up again, with all three choices being the recording of the woman, so I had no choice but to select it, and it was marked correct. Going back to check that specific entry, the recording of the woman is the one associated with it, so I’m not sure why it was marked as incorrect the first time, and duplicate recordings of the same word also seems like it could be a problem.

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That sounds like the bug in the current version of the app, not the course.

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In section 8 of your video game Japanese course, you have 龍祭壇 as “abandoned mine/quarry” with the kana さいくつじょうあと. I can’t actually find this translation or furigana for 龍祭壇 at all; I’m only able to find “dragon alter” with the pronunciation りゅうさいだん.

I’m not sure if this is actually a mistake, or if google is failing me, but I get 採掘 (さいくつ) for “mine/quarry”.

edit 2018/04/02: I should’ve gotten around to this sooner, but a couple more mistakes here:

  • Level 3, 兵士 /soldier has a typo in English, it’s written as “solider.”
  • Level 4, 防御力/defense has the furigana as ぼうぎょうりょく、when it should be ぼうぎょりょく。
  • Level 4, 命中率/critical rate should probably be “accuracy rate,” as I can’t find any instances of it actually being used for critical hit instead of accuracy.
  • Level 9, 魂/soul forces you choose 魂・魄。This is very frustrating as someone who likes to type their answers to ensure it’s correct, as my phone and PC kanji dictionaries are both missing 魄 as a possible translation for たましい。It’d be nice if I could just use 魂 as an answer.
  • Level 9, 悪神/evil god has the furigana as あくしん、when it should be あくじん。
  • Level 9, 幽霊/ghost has the furigana as ゆうてい、when it should be ゆうれい。
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a small typo in “beginners japanese grammar n5” (https://www.memrise.com/course/258569/beginners-japanese-grammar-1-jlpt-n5-grammar/)

はやくないです - not fast (polite) - Kanji くないです instead of 早 (early) should be 速 (fast)

many thanks for your courses

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In Newspaper Japanese, level 10/11, the reading for 受刑 is given as じゅうけい, but as far as I can tell it should be じゅけい.

In level 10/11, I don’t really see why there are two entries for うばう.

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In Newspaper Japanese, level 12/13, the reading for 悪化 is given as あか, but it should be あっか.

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Hi Tacyn! Sorry for the… woah it’s May already… SUPER late reply.
I’ve gone through and made corrections expect for a few:

The audio’s correct on these:

In level 43 ‘there is/I have a river’
‘easy, comfortable and slow’

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Hi Strugglebunny, sorry for the late reply on these.

Thank you for letting me know! (That course was an old one so there are a fair number of mistakes)
I’ve corrected everything, hope that helps!

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Thank you so much Naltai for bringing that to my attention!

I… can’t actually remember where I got that word and kanji for the mine. But you’re right they’re both COMPLETELY wrong! I’ve corrected that entry to はいこう 廃坑

Thank you also for the other corrections!! I’ve fixed all of those now and added alternate answers for the ones you requested.


Thank you LeeValencia!
I’ve corrected all of those!

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Thank you everyone who lets me know about corrections!!!

I apologies that it takes me so long to make improvements. I do Japanese Talk Online and the Memrise courses in my free time but time gets away from me and before I know it it’s been… 5 months…

Thank you for your support and patience! I hope that you’ve still found these courses helpful for your Japanese!


Thank you for providing fabulous study material for free!


Keep Up The Good Work JTalk!


Hello! Thanks heaps for making all these courses!
I’ve noticed a few mistakes in your JLPT N1 Vocabulary 日本語総まとめ 語彙 course.
Mainly to do with spelling:
Level 3: typo of embarrassed
Level 6: The kanji for つむ and つまむ is the same so sometimes both pop up in testing. Maybe you could put (1) or (2) by the kanji?
Level 11: rehabilitate not rehabilitize (it’s not a word)
Level 17: typo of aggravated
Level 17: typo of phlegm caught in one’s throat
Level 25: typo of various
Level 29: typo of truly

If I pick up on anymore I’ll be sure to let you know.
Thanks again for the lists! :slight_smile:

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@JTalkOnline.com could audio please be to the partcles courses too?

Hi, I have some corrections for Beginners Japanese Particles 2.

from level 9:
shouldn’t きらいたべものでも be きらいなたべものでも ?

from level 10:
コヒーでもいかが should be コーヒーでもいかが and
ケーキでもつろうか should be ケーキでもつくろうか

Thanks for the great courses!

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