[Course Forum] JLPT N4 Vocab/Readings by JLPTBootCamp

The official course forum for both the Vocab and Readings courses. Report bugs and suggestions here.




Thanks for fixing the error I reported! :slight_smile:

In jlpt n4 vocab level 1 the word kata has in the multiple choice the options ‘way of doing’ and ‘way (of doing sth.)’ but only one is correct.

in level 18 the male audio for tsutsumu has a high pitched sound at the end, though strangely not during the preview.
The audio of torikaeru has a quiet boku at the end.

In level 10, can you change the word Bell so that it has katakana in parenthesis after it?

And the same with Soft in level 9

  1. changed to “way of doing (not 仕〇)”
  2. cleaned audio
  3. cleaned audio


  1. added (katakana)
  2. changed to soft(ware) - that should differentiate it enough. ソフト doesn’t actually usually mean the adjective ‘soft’ in Japanese since they already have a word for that - やわらかい.


Hey Clayton,

Thanks for creating your courses on memrise. They’re very helpful to me.

On the “JLPT N4 Readings” course the a kanji 君 appears twice, once with the pronunciation くん and once with きみ, and there’s no way to tell the difference when answering questions in typing mode. Would you please update the course so that one of them says “not くん” and the other “not きみ” in the description, or have them both accept both answers, or anything else to fix the issue.


Okay, changed it. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Hey Clayton,

Thanks for creating your courses on memrise. They’re very helpful to me.

On the “JLPT N4 Readings” course the meaning “soon” appears twice, once for the word もうすぐ (Level 10) and once for the word そろそろ (Level 9), and there’s no way to tell the difference when answering questions in typing mode.

Would you please update them to make the different somehow? e.g. the meaning of そろそろ could be “it’s almost time; any time now​,” or anything else to fix the issue.


Hey Clayton,

Thanks for creating your courses on memrise. They’re very helpful to me.

Here are some things that seem ambiguous to me in the “JLPT N4 Readings” course.

The meaning “soon” appears twice, once for the word もうすぐ (Level 10) and once for the word そろそろ (Level 9), and there’s no way to tell the difference when answering questions in typing mode.

The meaning “within” appears twice, once for 以内 (Level 12) and once for 内 (Level 16).
