Hello, I know you are a few students of my class but If the numbers grows I would like to provide the best help possible to the students. First of all, this is a similar course than the ones you can find on Memrise however I tried to make it easy to understand. Each vocab has the audio attached to it and many definitions are made simpler since many words from the curriculum has the same meaning.
I also added all the Kanji from Sou Matome N3 and the grammar points from Kanzen Master bunpou N3. Please feel free to comment, and if you want to focus on vocab feel free to ignore other sections. There’s a lot of effort to make it easy to understand and I would be more than happy if any of this helped you. Please let me know if anything.
Link to the course :
For the grammar, if in the sentences some words are from outside of the curriculum, I include the word in “hiragana” inside the English definition. I don’t want to slow you down and many textbooks does the same thing, since our main focus is to learn the grammar rule !
Thanks very much for creating this course. The fact that almost all of the words have sound files is particularly helpful, and some of the definitions clarify differences between words which are close in meaning.
I’d like to report a typo.
The hiragana for ゴミ箱 should be ごみばこ, not ごみはこ.
There’s one other typo I came across recently, but I’m not sure whether it was in this course or another: the word そっくり was misspelled as すっくり.
You’ve done a great job on the whole avoiding giving exactly the same English definition for different Japanese words, but there are still some problems with this (it means that one doesn’t have any clue which Japanese word to give when prompted by the English definition; usually only one answer is accepted as “correct”). Do you want a list of these? Also, there are cases in which an attempt to distinguish between a transitive verb and an intransitive verb without saying that directly fail, because the English definitions can actually be used both ways. This can be a bit frustrating.
Another typo:
両替 should be りょうがえ, not りょうかえ.
Please respond and say whether you intend to fix these; if not, I’m going to have to give up on this course. It’s not good to be drilled on producing incorrect readings, and if there are even more of them, it’s too much work remembering which ones are incorrect.
There are other issues which could be improved as well; I would be happy to help maintain the course, but if the course is not going to be maintained at all, the problems seriously diminish its usefulness.
In the kanji lessons, when the prompt is a word or phrase written in kana, and the required response is the same word or phrase written with kanji, some or all of the wrong choices are definitions in English instead of strings of kanji and kana. This reduces the usefulness of these exercises, since there are often only one or two sensible options to choose from.
I don’t remember an example offhand, but there are kanji which can be read as words, but are paired to a particular onyomi or kunyomi. Oh-- one example is 由, for which the required answer is ゆう, and not よし. Whenever the clue is a single kanji, I think there should be an indication of whether what is being asked for is its reading as a word, or an onyomi, or a kunyomi.