[Course Forum] JLPT N3 Readings (with audio)

I wanted to report a typo in one of the lessons. I was unable to find a course forum for this course, so I am entering this report with the standard course forum title.
In the lesson which introduces the English translation of the word 方々, the hiragana given for it are ほうほう; they should be ほうぼう instead. The hiragana are correct in the following lesson (readings).

I’ve just checked, however this was already correct. For both testing directions, the word is taken from the same database entry - meaning if it’s incorrect for E->J, it will also be incorrect for J->reading. So either some glitch must have occurred, or maybe you just misread it :wink:

Thanks for the report anyway though, if you spot anything else like this make sure to flag it up :slight_smile:

Sorry to have bothered you with this. The most likely explanation is that I misread it the first time I saw it. I am familiar with 方々 as かたがた, but the reading ほうぼう was new to me. I probably misread it as ほうほう and was then surprised that my IME didn’t recognize that when I tried to use it to type in the kanji.
Thanks for the work you put into this course, which embodies several improvements over earlier courses using the same source material. The most annoying issue in other courses is that different Japanese words often have the same English cue during exercises; I think you have added disambiguation comments to most of these. In one course, for example, “however” corresponds to all of だが, ところが and だけど. The definitions for もえる and こげる are often the same, as well as the corresponding definitions for もやす and こがす. I find myself having to memorize which course gives which definitions, which is not very productive. ^^;

Don’t worry about it! I’m glad you find the course useful.

For duplicate prompts in other courses, I’ve got a userscript which lets you change the prompts, which you can install here. In case you haven’t used scripts like this before, first you need to install Tampermonkey to allow you to install the script. If you find any duplicates on this course though, feel free to send me another message ^v^