[Course Forum] JLPT N2 Vocab by BenWhately

Hi TKK1,

Ben Whately does not usually reply to comments on this course, as he is now busy being one of the main Memrise people who run the site. I doubt that he will want to change the course anyway, and it would be hard on people who have already started to suddenly have a whole different vocabulary list. Also, the list appears to be nearly identical to a list I found long ago from the previous N2 when they actually gave out expected words to learn. Now you are just supposed to know “common words”.

Anyway, I suggest that you might just find that Katakana comes in handy in both everyday life and in the test. And it is not always obvious how the katakana should be spelled. But if you find it too easy and want to cut down the numbers of words that you are shown, I suggest just pressing “ignore” when you find words you don’t want to practice. Also if you look through this course forum you will find some reference to other courses that concentrate just on the N2, without the N3-N5 words in them, if you want to decrease the number of words to learn.

Hi @mike.savage.39945e, I am about half-way through this course and like to contribute audio (forvo or wwwjdict) while continuing. And in case I discover word definition issue, I will raise a message here in this forum consulting others before attempting to make a change potentially. Please add me as contributor if it’s OK. Thanks!

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Anyone knows if this ultimately most useful Japanese course will be moved to Decks or not?

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nah it’s a threat to Memrise created ones, can’t push some gimmicky bots with this, gotta kill it (what I imagine is going through the heads at Memrise HQ)

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Yeah I would say this JPLT N2 Vocab by @BenWhately easily beats, in terms of content quantity at least, all those official Japanese courses put together by Memrise. Those official courses do not have enough content and more importantly have no structure for learners to progress.

If Memrise (@MemriseSupport, @MemriseMatty) is serious about making their official courses the only content on Memrise platform, please hire some professional language teachers (e.g. @KanaTsumoto) to format the courses. Something like Tae Kim’s Guide to Japanese Grammar is an example of Japanese grammar learning structure. It would be awesome if this kind of structured material is Memrise-converted by professional teachers hired by Memrise. I’d be more than happy to pay for subscription if their official courses become more professional.

Those Memrise Grammabots are just like joke.

BenWhately is one of the main memrise people now (or at least was a while ago), so it’s possible this will stay on Memrise even though he doesn’t actually do much on the course now.

Hi daydaywong,

I added you as a contributor now. Thanks for helping out.

Thanks @mike.savage.39945e, but I just log on and go to https://www.memrise.com/course/556/jlpt-n2-vocab-9/ on a desktop’s Chrome, I don’t see anything like “Edit”.

Hi daydaywong,

Sorry, it looks like maybe I forgot to click “save” when I added you. I think I did it now. Here’s what I see when I look at it:

Thanks again @mike.savage.39945e and I am good now.

Glad it worked! Let’s hope that it survives the new changes now.

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BenWhately is one of the main memrise people now (or at least was a while ago), so it’s possible this will stay on Memrise even though he doesn’t actually do much on the course now.

According to Struggle (fight) with Memrise, it seem like this course will be part of Decks.

Yes all those courses will be transferred to Decks… The official courses are those under the Memrise user - https://www.memrise.com/user/Memrise/courses/teaching/ - so Ben’s courses are considered community ones. Sorry I know that’s a bit confusing given he is Memrise co-founder.

Oh well, we’ll see how it goes. I am not about to change to the official courses over the ones I’m learning now. If I have to change to duo lingo or something else, I guess I eventually will. I personally have no desire to try to learn over an app. I don’t find multiple choice challenging enough, and I don’t like typing on my phone, so I will stick to this and other user-made courses on my computer until they fall over more than they already have.

Hey there;

thanks for creating and fostering this great course!
I have a question:
Would it be possible to make a switch-up of this course as far as the questions are concerned?
Right now, the english voca is given and japanese needs to be selcted/typed. Is it possible to make another seperate course (like the kanji) one with the kanji as the given, and the reading as the answer-option/type in, and the english as the pop-up that shows after input (like the kanji are now in the regular course?)

Backround: This course is really helping me freshing up the vocab, but since is always english-japanese it always feels hard to “sink into” the language. After finnishing this course learing english - japanese, it would be great to have an all-japanese version with english only as the pop-up, asking for the reading of the kanji.

That would be super awesome and id really appreciate it!
thanks again for all the work,

Best regards,

Hi Lukas,

Thanks for your note. There is another course that does that, although only for the truly level 2 words (i.e., level 3, 4, and 5 aren’t included in it, so it is smaller). It is here, although I guess you will need to replace the memrise with Decks soon:

Added audio for Level 2 and replaced some low volume audio in Level 1.
The audio files all came from forvo.com

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In level 3, I changed だいぶん to だいぶ
I think I encountered this in N4 and it was だいぶ .
It becomes だいぶん though in 大分類 (だいぶんるい).

Also, right now, I’m learning 1 level per day.
I’ll try to add audios along the way.

Jisho.org says that だいぶ is the common form of 大分, but だいぶん is an alternate one, so it doesn’t matter which is used. Thanks for trying to improve the course!

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Added “thanks to you” in Level 6 おかげさまで

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Hey Mike,
I have another course like that, and it has pronunciation available (every word has audio). You can prompt with Kana or with Meaning, both are really good and it is still being updated.