[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise


This is fixed. Thanks!


Yes I understand this can be very confusing but I’m afraid there won’t be any further improvements on the older versions of the course.

Yes I did, but as I was not sure, whether that was the right place to report errors, I decided to post it here.
But thank you all the same! :slight_smile:

Hi there~ I’ve noticed a couple of mistakes in the Japanese 3 course. Whenever video games are mentioned the audio says ‘video game’ while the text says テレビゲーム. I’ve noticed it a couple of times now.

Also, in level 17, ‘my mum also wants a watch’ has 測ります randomly at the end.

For the phrase “what is your phone number” it says the literal translation is “youの phone-numberは whatですか?” But the Japanese version of the sentence doesn’t have the word “you” in it.

Hello, i’m new to japanese and i have no idea how to type “翔さん” (shou san) from the japanese 1 / level 6 (https://www.memrise.com/course/1389171/japanese-1/6/).

I tryed to type sho, shou, shoo, but from every possibility it gives to me i don’t have the kanji “翔” (or maybe I havn’t searched enough, there is a lot of possibility), how can I write it except by copy/paste it ?

@Yrtiop ,
You need to install the japanese keyboard to type the words.Either use Microsoft’s IME Japanese keyboard that comes with Windows (I am not an Apple person so have no idea how to install Japanese keyboard there) or install the Google IME Japanese Keyboard. If you google either keyboard you can find how to install and use them.

You get the Kanji by typing in Hiragana and a list comes down where you can select the correct Kanji.

@Yrtiop, it sounds like you are using a japanese keyboard already maybe? I’m using the google one, and I did find the kanji eventually, I just had to look a long way through. Fortunately once you’ve found it the first time it moves to the top of the list!

@colva Yes I already have the keyboard installed (I use “Mozc” for ubuntu), you typed “shou” to get the right kanji ?

I have 99 results when I type “shou”, I watched each of them carefully but there is not the kanji I search for. Maybe mozc only shows the 99 first result, and I don’t know how to have more results. So I guess for now I will just copy/paste it.

@Yrtiop, I just typed sho (しょ) and then found it from there, not shou.

What does the particle も mean/do-grammatically in this sentence? 質問をしてもいいですか?

In “Japanese 3 (No script”) level 8, gogaku is translated as language but it means the study of language.


Last section

Cool, thanks.

Hi Mariko,

Having completed all courses and regularly reviewing them the past weeks, I have to say they are much better than the old ones. Good job and thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

Two things keep bugging me, however.

~すぎです and ~すぎます are used interchangeably. This is correct, I suppose, but unfortunately we can only answer with one option. Like マリアさんはお金を持ちすぎです and 私は三キロ重すぎます. Could you make all such entries accept either option?

Sometimes the を-particle is left out. I suppose it’s left out often in speech, but it produces some inconsistencies. From the top of my head, セールしています / 本屋はセールをしています and 取引します / 取引をしましょう! are two examples.

I’l learning Japanese in Korean. I found a wrong word.
Memrise says ‘HAGUSHIMASU’ means 새로운 것. But 새로운 것 is ‘ATARASHIIMONO’.
I hope this wrong word is corrected.

I have recently returned to Memrise after a year’s break, and restarted with Japanese 1. I love the new videos of people speaking the words, but in “Test Run Your Hiragana” kanpai and ikou are now taught as kanji in the new update. Surely theyshould be taught as hiragana in order to truly test run hiragana? Kanji hasn’t even been covered yet!

I’m having a lot of trouble using the chat bot effectively. My problem is that it is too advanced for what I know based on the course material. Am I simply supposed to wait until I know the answers based on the course material? I tried the “Baking” chat and “Going on a Date”, but after a while I’m simply guessing at both grammar and/or what the words I am reading mean and I can no longer progress since none of my answers are accepted as correct and there is no feedback as to what is the correct answer or meaning of the words I am using incorrectly. This sort of makes this feature somewhat meaningless for me at the moment. Am I using this feature incorrectly? Am I meant to be using outside sources to solve these chat puzzles?

Edit: Also as general feedback, I am doing Japanese 1 with script, and in the beginning it started off well with me learning different hiragana symbols before learning complete words that included the symbols, but then later on it just switched to showing me words including what I believe is kanji without having showed me the symbols before, so I sought of have to guess how those symbols are pronounced, which also makes it harder to memorize them.

Every time you learn a word written in kanji, you also hear the correct audio and it gives the reading in hiragana as well. It can be quite difficult since they are generally a lot more complex than hiragana, but I believe it’s good to start kanji from the beginning, since it’s such an integral part of the Japanese language!

I am not opposed to learning the Kanji, my point is that the way it is introduced makes it hard to memorize. For example, you say that the symbols are introduced with the correct pronounciation and hiragana. But say I have two new Kanji symbols [K1] [K2] and hiragana says this is “wa ru ii to ka” (gibberish I know, I’m just trying to make an example without doing a lot of research), then how do I know if [K1] is “wa”, “wa ru ii” or “wa ru ii to”? Over time it will become clearer, I’m just saying that learning it this way makes it harder to memorize, takes more time and is in conflict with the way symbols were introduced in the beginning of the course.