[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Hi Prady_023,

Thank you very much for the comment!

'14. She weighs 60 kilograms.'
60 is indeed written ろくじゅう but when it is combined with counter words (kilogram in this case), it is pronounced ろくじゅっ. The same applies for 10 (usually じゅう、but じゅっ when combined with kilogram).

'9. Chopsticks’
Absolutely! They are written the same way in Hiragana but are different in Kanji. This particular one, however, is a bridge. It seems like I’m failing to spot the issue here. Will you clarify it for me please?

'19. The bridge is very close’
Thank you for spotting this. The その was deleted during the editing process but was not reflected correctly to all fields.

'15. Which country do you want to visit?'
Again, I’m failing to see the issue here… the item is exactly the same as the one you suggested! :blush:

’ 9. To travel '
These are pronounced correctly and naturally. It would be slightly unnatural to put a strong stress on RY sound.

36.We’re going out…:
This is another editing error. Thanks for letting me know!


It is very important that you add this. People are learning it wrong at the moment (if you look at mems you’ll see that they have no idea that little vowels change the sound.

@MarikoMizutani - Thanks for fixing the tilde issue and the Dutch/English switch! But it seems some of the phrases didn’t get fixed:

I’m also confused about Japanese Level 2 having “milk, please” as ぎゅうにゅうをおねがいします, but “tea please” as こうちゃをください。Including the bit that tea was earlier introduced as “おちゃ” but in the longer phrase is こうちゃ (which Google tells me is specifically black tea?).

Thank you! I just yesterday discovered the same error in the “reverse” version of the question. (Text in English, answer options in hiragana.) That is; Text and answer being “Japanese” but the small box with kana and kanji saying “イギリス人” where it should say “日本人”.

Thank you for such quick responses to everyone’s problems and questions! :slight_smile:

I can not see “i” in level 2 of Japanese 1. Sorry :frowning:
I logged out and logged in, but I can not see it in my app…
And I just checked desktop (online) app… I can not see “i” here either.

Thanks for your time @MarikoMizutani

Good morning everyone at the forum! Today I have a little bit more time than usual to look into the issues raised here. bear with me as I go through them one by one!


Will you tell me which device you’re using? I just tried logging out & logging back in with my personal device and on web, and い is displayed okay. FYI, the item is at the very end of level 2 in Japanese 1.


my desktop version

my android

I use htc ONE M8

last one is “e”

Hmmm… strange!
All I can think of are

  1. Log out, terminate the app (swipe to close), then log back in.
  2. Do you have the latest version of the app?

Hi Navigatr,

I assume you’re talking about Japanese 1 level 13. I have now fixed this, to see the changes could you please log out and log back in? Thanks for spotting that!


I have the “i” but none of the mixed characters like “cho”

Hi Atikker

The mixed characters haven’t been added yet! Sorry! We can’t add them right away because we need to have audio for them first.


Hi JonathonSassmouthiro,

All Dutch items from Japanese 2 are now gone. Could you try logging out then logging back in? Thanks!

EDIT: Sorry that wasn’t true. The changes are reflected on the web but not on the app yet. Let’s wait a few more minutes since I literally JUST made those changes… :unamused:


Hi JonathonSassmouthiro,

Seems like we will have lots of discussion here today!

So you’ve raised 2 concerns here:

  1. Please (give) is おねがいします and ください… In many context (restaurant context in particular), ください and おねがいします are interchangeably. That is, you can say tea onegaishimasu or tea kudasai and that they would mean the same.

  2. I would like to ask the forum their opinion of what TEA should be… Tea in Japanese is お茶, which does not specify the type (green, herb, black etc). However when people hear the word お茶 in Japanese they usually assume it’s green tea. So the question here is:

Do you think お茶 should be translated as just tea, or tea (green tea)?

I hope that wasn’t too confusing. I almost confused myself too… :scream:


Now I feel bad… but I just did it all… logged out of my android, closed app (swiped it), logged again and nothing.

And I don’t understand about web version… I still can not see it… and I even restarted my PC, as it has something to do with it.

I had an update of app in my google play few days ago… so I should have last version. I checked. There isn’t new version in google play store.

It seems to me that you have literally tried everything!! There is nothing else I can think of …Do you want to try accessing this link http://www.memrise.com/course/1135341/japanese-1/2/ for the last time to see if it makes any difference? I’m so sorry for the nuisance! Meanwhile I will speak to more techy people at Memrise to see what I can do.


Yey! There is “i” in that course :slight_smile:

So… can I use that one?

But for the most time I use my android app coz phone is always on me.

Still without “i” in “my” memrise Japanese 1 course :slight_smile:

Should I just take this course?

Is it still not there?

If not, please just continue with the course. I have added the item but have changed nothing else in the course so your progress should not be affected. We can only hope that it will appear soon (since other users have no trouble viewing the item). This is very annoying! My apologies.


I’ve found a little mistake. Japanese 2, lesson 19 (handy phrases). “Excuse me” is written “すいません” instead “すみません”. Have a nice day and thanks for your hard work! :slight_smile:

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