[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

This issue:
Japanese 3 lesson can't be completed. Should it be reported here?

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I’m wondering this too. The study time in total needed to complete the Memrise courses is 47 hours on average. The official time needed to study for JLPT N5 is 150 hours (from Japan Educational Exchanges and Services, 2007). But I see a lot of people saying that this is also too little time.

I’ve run into 2 previously reported issues:

  1. Japanese 3 Level 15 Peace Offering shows 13/15 despite having only 13 words. This happens only on the Android app. Web shows correct number.
  2. Both on web and app, the final word count for Japanese 3 is 634/635, after having finished all levels. This obviously means that Memrise doesn’t mark the course as complete and that’s an issue for me.

Excuse me but has anything new been implemented?

Hi @Drikting @970817j,

Sadly our current course is not based on a Syllabus for JLPT at the moment. Our future versions are planned to cover Japanese Grammar in a better way, though.


Hi @TheoLerner,

Sadly not yet. There are other modes like Kanji modes we are working on first… sorry for the wait :disappointed_relieved:


There is an actual bug with hiragana: ぴ transliterated as BI instead of PI (it seems to me it is sometimes BI and sometimes PI in the audio, but I’m not too sure about that).

Hi, thank you for flagging this. This is now fixed. You can log out and log in again to see the updated version.


Course 3 lesson 15 … still the problem with the 13 of 15 completed… i logged out then i logged in … still nothing happened… please fix it …

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Feedback from @Weeb_Jew90 on this link:

Hi @Weeb_Jew90,
I’m sorry for the brutal testing of Kanji in our courses. At the moment we are still in development for a good MODE to teach these script. The app cannot teach the Kanji very well at the moment. The reason why we have written out things in Kanji, despite the painful lack of script mode, is so that you will see Japanese how you will see them in Japan. But we are improving this part and hope to deliver a much better course to you very soon! So watch this space:)

If you are keeping a written record of what you are learning (by the way, so committed!!), I recommend writing down in Furigana but also adding a memo of the Kanji as well. It is useful to be able to recognise words written in Kanji.


Okay thank you so much!

I appreciate the help.

In Japanese 3, section 25 I noticed something that, contextually, seems incorrect. The final thing you learn is “最後” and it is described as “last time.” From what I can tell, it actually just means last (final), and to make it “last (final) time,” while I’m no expert, I’d expect you’d need a 回 in there somewhere. In context of the module as well, the last time we’d be expecting would be last (previous) time, not last (final) time, given that the previous entry was next time, and unless I’m mistaken that would be 前回 (ぜんかい).

Also in Japanese 3, Section 19, 教えます has no audio associated with it.

Hi there,

Found a bug in Japanese 2 (English) where there’s no “learn with locals” videos yet.
When the app switches to “Next: learn with locals” it starts an endless loop. To exit the loop you need to choose manually another review method.


Question from @SgtOddball:
Problems with the Japanese Memrise Course Chatbot and Grammarbot.
regarding Chatbot and Grammarbot which are trying to teach things that nowhere near in the main course yet and an option “Resume Chat” which isn’t in English.

In Japanese 5, chapter 3, the word is a noun, but the hiragana shows a verb.

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Hi @kristoferjanke,

Thank you for flagging these.

The final thing you learn is “最後” and it is described as “last time.” From what I can tell, it actually just means last (final), and to make it “last (final) time,” while I’m no expert, I’d expect you’d need a 回 in there somewhere. In context of the module as well, the last time we’d be expecting would be last (previous) time, not last (final) time, given that the previous entry was next time, and unless I’m mistaken that would be 前回 (ぜんかい).

I see the confusion, yes. The English “last time” in this context is misleading as it looks like it means “previous time”, which as you rightly pointed out is not the case here. I will update the translation to “the final time”. 最後 on its own means “the final time”, and to make it an adjective to mean “the final” you add の and make it “最後”. Thank you for noticing and reporting this!

Also in Japanese 3, Section 19, 教えます has no audio associated with it.

Well spotted! I will arrange an audio recording to happen soon. I’m sorry it is going to be without an audio until then…


@970817j Thank you for spotting and reporting this! It has been updated now!


Thank you.

Another thing I noticed, while I’m thinking of it, is in Japanese 2, Section 22, 月 is given to us as “month” but with the reading “つき,” which if I’m not mistaken is the way you read that for “moon,” with “month” being “げつ” or ~“がつ.”

Hi @kristoferjanke
Thank you for this as well! つき means both “the moon” and “a month” so I’ll update the translations, good catch!

it looks like it’s going to be a busy month this month

please come again in one or two months