[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

This error also exists in “Japanese 3 from German” and perhaps many more Japanese 3 courses. It doesn’t appear anyone gives a d here

In Japanese 3 from English we are asked to translate “less” into Japanese, and the expected answer is 少ないです. 少ないです means “There’s only a little”, “There are few”, “It is less”. “Less” would be 少ない (without です) or something like もっと少ない or より少ない. The English to Japanese translation shouldn’t expect です if they are just asking us to translate “less”. I really wish there was a way to report errors directly from the session itself (and I wish Memrise actually fixed their mistakes!!!).

In Japanese 3 from English, 広いです is being pronounced きろいです instead of ひろいです

Now the male voice is mispronouncing 早いです and 早く. Maybe it’s a corrupted sound file making the “h” sound like “k”. The female voice says it fine. Anyone else notice this???