[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

I saw this issue in other topics, but the only response seemed to be to link here. I also looked in here and could not find it, but apologies if this has already been addressed.
In Japanese Level 3 lesson 38, 押す(おす)is marked as “pull (on a door)” and 引く(ひく) is marked as “push (on a door)” - I believe the translations are switched.

I just downloaded the app yesterday. I’m using this, another app, as well as just started learning hiragana on my own outside of the apps by writing them out from memory (just started learning and I’m going hard at it).

Just wanted to let you know that ri (hiragana) is being incorrectly shown in its katakana form. Meaning the app will ask for me to pick ri (hiragana), and there will be no り option. Instead I have to pick リ to answer the question correctly. I have not gotten far enough to see if the ri (katakana) is reversed in the same way.

Hi @jonbspeck37
Thank you for flagging on this, I made the correction now so once you log out and log in again (if you are on your phone), you should be able to see the update as well. Thank you!


Hi @michaeljlindemann
Thank you for this! I’d like to check, so could you send me a screenshot of this please!



A post was split to a new topic: Japanese for Busy People 2

Hi everyone,
Im new here and have just started using the app and web browser, but as I’m going through the course, I find its upped my level to 8, but obviously I’m still on level 3 of learning.Which brings me to another problem. I haven’t gone through level 2 nor can I access it. Does anyone have this issue? I tried to ignore it thinking maybe thats how the course is structured, but then it takes me to chatbot and is got Katakana and Kanji, which I haven’t even seen yet! It tells me that I should know them because I have done them in Japanese 1 level 7 and 9 or food vocabulary in Japanese 2 level 19… That’s way ahead of where I am. I tried quitting it and restarting the course again, but I’m hitting the same wall. Anyone have any similar issues?

Hi I am taking the Japanese courses, I started to take the course for english speakers and I like them a lot however there are some words/Phrases that I don’t care to learn like I’m from Ireland/UK and so since I am Mexican, and some times is really slow and tiring to translate twice what I am learning. So I discovered the Japanese for Spanish speakers they are cool but have a really big problem and I think this is a big issue that should be fix in Spanish.

While you have in the english course al the foreign words like menu, banana, etc, that are written with katakana characters in the spanish course they are written with hiragana. Also there is no katakana lessons in spanish.

Is there a way to fix the course or make them similar or do you have a plan to update the courses?

Thanks for the reply in advance

I’ve noticed while doing Japanese 1 (on the web) that whenever I get prompted for a katakana character, the selection of choices invariably contains 9 hiragana characters and the 1 correct katakana character. Recognising 1 katakana character is easy and doesn’t really test your knowledge of what specific characters are.
Is this is a known issue with Memrise or this specific course?

There is a bug in the German Japanese 1 Course, Level 6 “Menschliche Gefühle” or in the English Version “Being Human”. In the word “being dry”, the kanji is displayed correctly. In the word “being thirsty” the kanji for being dry is wrong. Should be the same kanji as before but is a different one…

Hi @netunguito
If you don’t mind learning it in European Spanish, here is the updated course content!

I’m afraid the Mexican Spanish course still follows the older syllabus, I’m sorry!


I was wondering about the translation “What’s up?” for “調子わどう?”. I read somewhere that this can be translated as the casual way off saying “How’s it going?”, in the context that that person your asking is sick since the kanji for condition is in there. Just want to know why they decided to use “What’s up?” as the translation instead.
Another thing I came across was a translation that was a mix of English and hiragana. “Suzuki-Mr.はgeniusです!”: Is this right? Or am I missing something?


I am wondering what is the difference between these two below courses? I have been following the one with purple thumbnail and currently at level 3, but then I found out about the other one and so confused about which one should I follow or else?

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Hello @anagguada80,

I apologise for my late reply!
The second one you saw, “Suzuki-Mr.はgeniusです!””, was some kind of mistake and I have corrected it. It should be correct in your screen as well now.

For your first point, the Japanese “調子” isn’t only used to ask for conditions of health or disease. It is a general word that can be used for the condition of anything. So here, “調子はどう” means “How’s everything?/What’s up?” and the translation “what’s up” I think is appropriate for this as well as “how’s it going?”.
Other phrases that uses “調子” are…
“その調子!”: “That’s it!” “Way to go!” “Right on!”
“調子に乗る”: “to be cocky” “to push one’s luck”


Hello @vanvu29,
The one with the purple filter and the girl is now an older version of Memrise Japanese course. The other ones you found follow the updated syllabus and we recommend new users to start learning on the updated one. The difference is that they use full script and Kanji wherever possible, so in that sense, they are more challenging. If you have finished up to course 3 on the older one, you might want to try from course 2 on the new courses.


After I completed Course 3, it allowed me to do courses 4 to 7.

I enrolled in the courses but cannot download to my Google Pixel Android device. Are these courses the old or new Memrise courses?

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I suppose you are PRO? Only PRO can download.


I’m confused as to whether the correct Japanese translation should be ‘ちょこれーとすきですか?’ or ‘ちょこれーとすきくですか?’ ー any help would be greatly appreciated.


[email protected] !

P.S. Here’s what I’m seeing:


Hi Kana,

Great to see courses 4-7 are now released! (Although a bit hard to find.)

I haven’t checked everything yet, but so far, most multiple choice questions in course 4 have the correct answer repeated for all options, not making it very challenging.

On another note, course 3, level 17 keeps telling me I need to review a word, but when I try to start a review session, Memrise crashes, both on app and web. The offending word also does not even show in the list (see below). Makes me think it was removed, but because it was set to review for me, it never disappeared. This now breaks all my reviewing for this course.

Those bugs are probably why level 4 is not officially released yet.