[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Some more mistranslations to report:

The top translation in hiragana is accurate, the bottom translation, and the one that it goes on to request in questions, is NOT right.

The small よ (yo) indicates that the ち (chi) is modified, so ちょ is read “cho”. The は (ha) is being used as a particle, and is read as “wa”.

For some reason it is providing multiple right answers. In one case, EVERY SINGLE ANSWER was the same in a multiple choice question. Also, yes, this translation is the wrong one that I mentioned earlier.

It is requesting the wrong translation here(おらんだご). I put in the right translation, えいご(English), which I had to input manually, because the multiple choice selections don’t include them. This was flagged as a wrong answer, obviously.

Thank you very much =). It’s a good piece of information. That should be in a mem.

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Hi @relyat08 Bug in Immersion Mode on Android App
It seems like the same bug. [quote=“Joshua, post:15, topic:3180, full:true”]
We’re still working on fixing this bug.

I noticed that there was another topic about this that was closed. I don’t have the time to go through and figure out what happened there, but I wanted to add my voice to the others who have pointed out that there are some notable mistranslations and errors in Lesson 5, in particular, but also elsewhere. In lesson 6 of Japanese 2, it keeps translating 英語 as おらんどご or something like that(is that even a word? I’ve never heard of it!), in hiragana, when the correct translation should be えいご. Other errors include translating “I am from Japan” and “Are you from Japan?” with Japan swapped with England or English person(イギリス or イギリス人) for some reason. I will update more later, when I have time, but it would be great if these could be fixed.

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the topic was closed because there are special fora for the memrise official courses, in this case [Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

the link just 3 mm below the thread you mention

Since I can only put one image in a post, here you go. This is going to be unnecessarily bloated, but here’s the first one…

I saw that one, but it is a single thread dedicated almost entirely to that kid’s misunderstanding of hiragana and how particles work in Japanese. I will scour it more thoroughly when I have a chance, but I didn’t see anything about it that would be applicable to this issue at all.

If you have comments or questions about any official courses. You DO NOT make a new post. You ask in a official course forum [Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

I think there needs to be a better layout of this forum then. Having a single thread for literally any problem with the translation is inefficient and cumbersome. Not to mention just basically useless for people looking for help. It takes me almost 30 seconds of scrolling just to reach the bottom where I can write in a new comment. How is an issue even going to get noticed? It would be better to have a separate forum for these sorts of issues where multiple threads can run simultaneously. Anyway, this should be the number one priority for anyone who is working here. Having significant mistranslations like this is kind of a huge problem.

You don’t have to scroll manually through posts. If you are using PC there is a slider on right. If you’re using phone or tablet look at right down corner for easy one-tap-scrolling

if you tap on it a little window appears and you can go all the way top or bottom or to any post by typing in number

I was more getting at the sheer volume of comments to sift through, not the method of scrolling. It’s not very efficient or reasonable for users or staff to have to go through all of that to find what is actually a useful or important comment. Most of what I read through was just a bunch of responses to other comments that shouldn’t have even been in the thread.

It is difficult to stop people from interacting on a forum, many take offense when one tries to tell them to stay on the subject.

I will move this post onto the right thread though. Let’s not get lost on too many threads.

Reposting here since I accidentally missed it and made a new, separate topic.

I ran into a typo in Japanese 1, level 13 “Where in the Universe?”.

The bolded sentence said: “わたしはにほんじんではありません” and the correct choice out of six was indeed “I am not Japanese.”

But the little box under the bolded sentence said: “私はイギリス人ではありません” which (I’m assuming whoever replies to this can understand) translates to “I am not English.”

Screenshot provided:

EDIT: Corrected level and level name.

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In the Japanese 1 i’m doing I’m constantly having problems with sentences containing ~ in the middle of the sentence.
Half of these sentences requires me to put spaces before or after the tilde, meanwhile others only accept the sentence without spaces. Im using ibus az an IME under linux, so I’m using the japanese ~, the problem is with the spaces.

Also when I get this “sentence building” exercise where I have to describe 本,only “origin; main; book” is accepted, “main; origin; book” is not, but since it is just a listing, both should be correct.

How sweet! Thank you very much :relieved:

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Hi Navigatr,

Thank you for your comment and for providing us with the screenshot. This is now fixed.

Hi relyat08,

Thank you for reporting the problem with the screenshot (always very helpful :)). We are having some issues with ‘localized’ items (ie. I’m from England, I speak Dutch … and so on). I will fix this now. Thanks again and sorry for the nuisance.

おらんだご(オランダ語)means Dutch (language). A Dutch user reported similar issues so I think there was a mix up somewhere in the system.