[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Water keeps showing up as 2 separate answers, the one I click is always incorrect.



Hi Prady_023,

Thank you for pointing that out. That was a typo, with extra い before the word いす. It is now fixed.


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Hi SarahJoyMcKenzie1,

This has been fixed. Thank you for pointing it out!

Hi Fhireman,

Thank you very much for the comment, and please accept my apologies for the late reply. There was indeed a whole ‘swap’ situation between English localized items (I speak English… I’m from England… etc) and Dutch localized items. I’m fixing them right now.

I’m glad to hear that you enjoy learning Kanji, as many people find them difficult! At the moment we do not offer audio for the Kanji levels, because we are only showing what they mean as opposed to how they are read. This is to make things as simple and straightforward for the new users, as you may know, that one Kanji can be read in many different ways depending on other Kanji it is presented with. ‘Swipe & Learn Kanji mode’ sounds like an awesome awesome idea, because not only does it sound fun but it also teaches the order of stroke, which is essential when writing Kanji correctly and beautifully. At the moment I’m mainly focused on fixing the existing issues, however when this process is finished, it will be an idea to consider.

Have a lovely day!


i found a mistake, im taking level 2, and when i do te review, it ask “i am from england” and “i speak english”, but it cahnge the answer for holland


Japanese 1.

Male voice says LA. While reviewing I heard a female voice saying RA. The same characters is in sayounara also. So is it la or ra or can it be both like wa and ha?

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I started this course too, and I was a bit confused.
And one more thing: sign for sound “i” was not introduced, but I was prompted to “write” word ‘yes’ (hai).

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Just went through Lesson 6 in Japanese 2 and found several errors. Stupidly enough I did not write them down, but the most frustrating one was having to type “orandago” when the correct word should be “eigo” in one of the phrases. There where other words where the little box below the title phrase didn’t match etc. Overall very frustrating, just wanted to heads up. Thanks!


[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise this is the official forum. It is for all 7 courses

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This is from Japanese 2 Lesson 6, but I was redirected here, for whatever reason, but there are a number of issues here.

I noticed that there was another topic about this that was closed. I don’t have the time to go through and figure out what happened there, but I wanted to add my voice to the others who have pointed out that there are some notable mistranslations and errors in Lesson 5, in particular, but also elsewhere. In lesson 6 of Japanese 2, it keeps translating 英語 as おらんどご or something like that(is that even a word? I’ve never heard of it!), in hiragana, when the correct translation should be えいご. Other errors include translating “I am from Japan” and “Are you from Japan?” with Japan swapped with England or English person(イギリス or イギリス人) for some reason. I will update more later, when I have time, but it would be great if these could be fixed. Here’s one screenshot that shows what I’m talking about.

JAPANESE 1. I have a question about this word

If I break the 2nd one to pieces I don’t get the first one. Could someone please explain :innocent:

Some more mistranslations to report:

The top translation in hiragana is accurate, the bottom translation, and the one that it goes on to request in questions, is NOT right.

The small よ (yo) indicates that the ち (chi) is modified, so ちょ is read “cho”. The は (ha) is being used as a particle, and is read as “wa”.

For some reason it is providing multiple right answers. In one case, EVERY SINGLE ANSWER was the same in a multiple choice question. Also, yes, this translation is the wrong one that I mentioned earlier.

It is requesting the wrong translation here(おらんだご). I put in the right translation, えいご(English), which I had to input manually, because the multiple choice selections don’t include them. This was flagged as a wrong answer, obviously.

Thank you very much =). It’s a good piece of information. That should be in a mem.

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Hi @relyat08 Bug in Immersion Mode on Android App
It seems like the same bug. [quote=“Joshua, post:15, topic:3180, full:true”]
We’re still working on fixing this bug.

I noticed that there was another topic about this that was closed. I don’t have the time to go through and figure out what happened there, but I wanted to add my voice to the others who have pointed out that there are some notable mistranslations and errors in Lesson 5, in particular, but also elsewhere. In lesson 6 of Japanese 2, it keeps translating 英語 as おらんどご or something like that(is that even a word? I’ve never heard of it!), in hiragana, when the correct translation should be えいご. Other errors include translating “I am from Japan” and “Are you from Japan?” with Japan swapped with England or English person(イギリス or イギリス人) for some reason. I will update more later, when I have time, but it would be great if these could be fixed.

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the topic was closed because there are special fora for the memrise official courses, in this case [Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

the link just 3 mm below the thread you mention

Since I can only put one image in a post, here you go. This is going to be unnecessarily bloated, but here’s the first one…