[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Oh, I see!

Yes, in this case “the Underground” is probably the safest translation (the 鉄 refers to the rails, I believe, just like the French chemin de fer or “iron road”).


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I’d like to report a translation mistake in Memrise Japanese 3 (level 6), if you could fix it, please.
I took a screenshot :

As you can see, 交差点 is translated “descente d’autoroute”, which doesn’t mean anything in french.
The right translation would be “carrefour, intersection, croisement”.


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Just noticed one error in the Japanese 3 course in french, level 6.

The sentence 里保さんは話すのが速すぎです shall be translated into “Mlle Riho, vous parlez trop vite” and not “vous parlez trop vite”.

[EDIT: previous topic: Error in one sentence in Japanese 3 (french) ]

In Japanese 1 in lesson 15 “Wörter und Phrasen”, it should read “Die letzten Katakana”, instead of letzetn. Just a typo i guess :slight_smile:

Thanks for fixing!

[EDIT] Previous topic: Learn Japanese in German subtitle typo

Japanese 1 in German
should be
as 才 is sai, but ォ is o

Thanks for fixing! :slight_smile:

I have been getting frustrated when doing the pronunciation portion the lesson. “Ano-” is always saying that I’m not pronouncing it right. Ridiculous since it’s the easiest word. Any way this can be fixed?

I’m using the Android app. I’ve finished Japanese 3 - 16 (“Contamination!”). When I try to go on to 3 - 17 (“Cracking Kanji”) I get an error (“Sorry, there was an error loading the content!”). If I skip past it, 3 - 18 (“Phrases: Impress Them!”) seems to work OK.

Is 3 - 17 broken?

Can you check if you have the latest update installed? Should be 2.94_18339_memrise
This sounds surprisingly similar to a bug the Chinese course recently had, where all the levels teaching you Chinese characters wouldn’t work (Classic Review and Speed review not working)

That bug has been fixed by an update today.

I think you’re right. I have that version and it now seems to be working. I guess the update fixed it. Thanks.

Hola, hay un error en una de las frases del nivel 2 de japonés en español.
Pone 13 y debería de poner 30 años.
Gracias :slight_smile:

EDIT: Japanese 2 for Spanish (Spain) speakers - level 22 Level 22 - Espacio y tiempo - Japonés 2 - Memrise

In Japanese 3 – Keeping busy 大好きです is translated as “to love”, which probably warrants a correction.

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In Japanese 3, British Version - “We’re Going To…”, 他 is listed in Romanji as “Ta”, which seems like a mistake.

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@KanaTsumoto In Japanese 5, British Version - “Exploration”, 一番良い思い出は何ですか? Is translated into “what was your best experience?”. Should it not be “what is your best experience”? Or is the past tense implied?

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I was wondering what is the official word count for Japanese 0-3? I haven’t really used Memorise app in awhile, and I’m trying to figure out how many of the courses have been updated in the past 6 months. These are the courses that I have. I haven’t moved on to Japanese 3 yet because it doesn’t seem to really change from the old version, and 4-7 seems to still be the old version.

Hi @will_gladulich30,

See KanaTsumoto’s (Japanese Language Specialist at Memrise) previous explanation:

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Thing is I searched around the forums a month or two ago and apparently the Japanese 0-1 has some newer phrases to learn that I haven’t learned (and I already completed 0-2), so I was wondering if any of the other Japanese courses got updated with some newer stuff to learn, and the official word count for each of the Japanese courses. I guess since Japanese 3-7 are from the old courses, the stuff I previously learned from the newer ones doesn’t count towards the older ones, which is kinda annoying. I would like to automatically have them skipped.

Japanese 4 corrections:

〜を楽しみにしています is translated into “to look forward to …”

Perhaps “is looking forward to” is more accurate?

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I’m sorry the massive delay.
It’s now updated to ‘the underground (train)’, so that we don’t confuse with 地下.
Thanks for flagging this!


Hi @mooog
Apologies for my delay; I just checked this and it looks ok to me, it says ミネラルウォーター in our database. Could you send me screeshots if you’re still having issues? Thanks!


We’ll be looking into this, thank you for flagging!