[Course Forum] Italian courses contributed to and by Sandslane

done - deleted level 6 one

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HI @sandslane. Nearly finished planting now, but have spotted two more typos in the isc no isc course, both in level 14:

  1. There is ā€œingrandire ingrandiiscoā€. Iā€™m guessing one of the "i"s should be deleted.

  2. There is ā€œasserrire asseriscoā€. Should one of these gain an ā€œrā€ or the other one lose one?


All done - many thanks for letting me know about all the errors. It all makes the course better for anyone who may want to punish themselves and do it!


This course has been really good for me! I thought my italian vocabulary was pretty good, but thereā€™s loads of verbs in here I didnā€™t know, and it turns out that my untrained instincts on which verbs isc and which ones donā€™t was pretty poor. Thanks again!

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Oops, and another typo, Iā€™m up to level 15 now.

ā€œarricchire arricchistoā€ - I presume that should be ā€œarricchiscoā€?

Done - Iooked through that level would you believe yesterday. I think it must be because I havenā€™t actually completed the course myself. Just making it is really good for learning. Iā€™ve found with the courses Iā€™m correcting checking with dictionaries (forums on word reference are great because you get responses from Italians) to clarify meanings and adding alternatives is also really helpful. My top tip of the moment is to use an image search for nouns and also Italian amazon. You can definitely find the correct usage doing that. Iā€™ve also started putting short phrases and words into a general search engine - you can sometimes find whether the words are really used or not doing that. Perhaps there should be a thread for tips for learning!


Hi - Iā€™ve noticed a few errors in Italian GCSE

At the moment, computer scientist is being translated as lā€™nformatico instead of lā€™informatico

Student has been translated as il studente instead of lo studente

School trip has been translated as la gita scholastica instead of la gita scolastica.

I suspect there are some errors occurring regarding when an apostrophe should be used - for example ā€œdi abbigliamentoā€ instead of dā€™abbigliamento" but Iā€™m not 100% sure on those.

Iā€™d be grateful if these could be corrected, otherwise Iā€™m really enjoying the course.

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Hi @gelagirl

Hi - Iā€™ve noticed a few errors in Italian GCSE

Could you give a link to the course? There are so many and I suspect it isnā€™t one created by the MemRise team, in which case you need to contact the Creator.

(Information on how to do that is in other threads.)

Hi DW7

Here is the link.

Best wishes


----- Reply message -----

Thanks @gelagirl,

This course is by @ruthkwill (who is not active here) and as you say @sandslane is contributing.

He should now pick this up and I have moved the posts to the appropriate thread.

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Hi @gelagirl, Thanks for spotting those errors. Do you happen to know offhand what level they are in? Iā€™ll correct the typos- informatico and scolastica. I either missed them or made them when I went through the course. didnā€™t spot the lo studente either. - As far as the apostrophes yes normally there are abbreviations in front of vowels. There are quite a few of them. However they are not consistently abbreviated in the language as you will find, if for example, you put di abbigliamento in a search engine I have found it written like that in Italian websites. When I went through the course checking it I used both methods putting the opposite method as an alternative. I contemplated putting both as a visible answer but decided against it. There are some answers that have so many alternatives that wouldnā€™t be feasible. The Italian for letter box being a case in point. There are loads of phrases where you can have preps on their own/ no preps or preps with articles and all are correct. I have tried to be thorough and added all the alternatives I could find for all the words / phrases in the course. So there shouldnā€™t be a problem if you abbreviate when watering - unless itā€™s one I havenā€™t noticed and added! Anyway if you could tell me the levels I will remedy the errors. Canā€™t face going through 168 levels to find them! Otherwise Iā€™ll make a note and correct them as they appear. Hope this is ok for you!

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Thanks for supporting this course Sandslane - it looks useful. Iā€™ll give it a go.

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Hi @sandslane - thank you for having a look at the typos. They are in Italian GCSE vocabulary -

lā€™nformatico is L92 (it also appears in L44 where it is spelt correctly)

la gita scholastica is L53

il studente is L73

I hope pointing out these small mistakes does not look like I am moaning about the course - I am really enjoying it and appreciate your effort in designing it.


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Hi @gelagirl Iā€™ve corrected those - as there are a set number of words in each level Iā€™ve changed one of the informaticoā€™s to informatica along with the other female variations and indicated male or female. No point having the same word twice. Just to clarify I didnā€™t design the course. Iā€™d studied it some time ago and made a list of errors. Since the creator was no longer active I asked memrise if I could contribute and amend the errors I had found and change any answers which didnā€™t work since the memrise update a while back. In an effort to streamline the course I made sure all the nouns had articles, added alternatives and clarified some of the English descriptions. I hope I have improved it to make it more user friendly. I expect there are more errors I have missed and other duplicates so if you spot them Iā€™ll be really happy to amend!


Hi Sandslane

Iā€™ve just reached the early 1600s in the GCSE Italian vocab programme. Iā€™m pretty sure that ā€œil lavoro a tempo partialeā€ should be ā€œparzialeā€. If Iā€™m right, could this also be changed.

Many thanks


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You are definitely right - Iā€™ve corrected it.



Iā€™m sorry to keep bothering you. In L135 of the GCSE Italian, sports centre comes up as ā€œil centrE sportivoā€, I think it should be ā€œcentrOā€.

Many thanks


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Hi sandslane

Another small typo - on L136 ā€œla metropolitanaā€ comes up as ā€œl metropolitanaā€ - I really hate having to type a misspelling to get the answer right :wink:



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Hi Angela - no problem both done!

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