[Course Forum] Inglese Principiante e Intermedio


This topis is about Inglese Principiante e Intermedio course, created by EasyAcademy.

From time to time I try to provide minor corrections and this topic would be a report, just in case…

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Qui e Ovunque

  • MOD Excuse-me TO Excuse me
  • DEL forty five (I don’t see how it should belong to this level and also it is not correct since it must have the hyphen between the two numbers forty-five)

Hy I have problem on level 14 on the phrase “to fall down” the answer squares are empty and is not possible to answer, at this point the application run on loop around at this word.
Many thaks

Ciao itony53,

The phrasal verb “to fall down” is not present in level 14, please point out where it is and I’ll fix it.
Thanks for reporting.

Sorry the error reported was related to the word “to be killed” my apologies for the mistake.
Best regards

Antonio Negri
da Ipad

An other issue on the level 14 after the problem reported whit the world " to be killed" now I have an Oder problem whit the world “stock” no voice for the item and the answer squares are all blank and it is impossible to answer , the app run in continuously loop on this item.
Best regards

Antonio Negri
da Ipad

Ciao itony53,

I don’t know at what level you refer but this time I was able to check all the highlighted entries in the database and I removed all of them since I found better alternatives with all the fields set.
Here the alternatives:

  • share, stock = l’azione
  • to be killed (to perish) = perire
  • to fall down (into ruins) = cadere in rovina

Now you shouldn’t experience the loop anymore.