[Course Forum] Inconsistencies with article

One of the courses I am currently doing is a French course called “13 Weather”. Here is the link: http://www.memrise.com/course/226362/13-weather/
It’s a good little course, thanks to @NoadswoodFrench, except very annoying that the article is not consistent. A couple of examples being: ‘la chaleur’ - ‘heat’; ‘le brouillard’ - fog; un nuage - cloud. This would be easy to fix by adding: ‘une’ as an option for ‘chaleur’; ‘un’ for brouillard; ‘le’ for nuage; and so on. Conversely all could be changed to ‘le’ and ‘la’. The half and half mix makes it difficult to remember. (I did post this previously however omitted using the correct format, ie subject heading.)

@NoadswoodFrench, listed as the owner of that course, does not seem to be here on this community site, at least not with the same username. If the answers with the other articles aren’t accepted as alts in that course, you may have to just find a different course, since there’s no other way now to contact course maintainers. But maybe there are some other people maintaining that course, who are using this forum?

Thanks @cos - I’ll keep a lookout. Maxine