[Course Forum] HSK Complete Traditional Characters by amargatarde

I’m currently studying HSK 4 Part 1 (level 7) and noticed that a few Chinese characters have been incorrectly translated from the simplified source. These include:

  • 幹杯
  • 公裏
  • 盡管

Could you fix those typos? Many thanks!

@Lien could you contact the creator please? Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting me know @xia.fan and @robbertbrak
I have emailed Amargatarde to invite them to this conversation.
Hopefully he/she can join us here soon!

Hi @Lien and @xia.fan . I noticed it’s been 30 days since the last action on this topic, but the creator of this course hasn’t responded yet. In the meantime, I have discovered several more typos.

If the original course creator is not around anymore, would it be possible to transfer course ownership? I’d love to take over responsibility and help out to improve the quality of this course.

Hi @robbertbrak, thanks for the reminder!
As far as I can tell Amargatarde is still active on Memrise but hasn’t replied to my email yet.
We can’t transfer course ownership as such, but I have added you as a contributor so you should now be able to correct those typo’s.
Many thanks for your help with improving this course!
Have a great week,

Thanks @Lien, that’s great!

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Hi, sorry for resurrecting this, but I have noticed quite a bit more mistranslations from simplified in the complete course: 產/産, 瀟/潇, 痺/痹 come to mind, as well as the inconsistent use of 為/爲 (sometimes it’s included in acceptable answers, sometimes not). May I become a contributor too? Not to brag, but ATM I’m number two on the all-time leaderboard so I care deeply about the course.

@L-I-E-N are you there?