[Course Forum] Hebrew from Scratch I by EriannMX

Please post here your notes, suggestions, mistakes found, etc.


Problem with words, even correct are marked as wrongā€¦ Exame the word ā€œAtenā€ in Hebrew. Check print

There were indeed some mistakes with some words due to some left over nikuds that I didnā€™t see, and that I have corrected in the past days. If you have this as an offline course, delete the course and redownload, that should fix it.

Also, update the course, as pointed above, now and then, as Iā€™m currently in the process of recording the pronunciations with a native speaker (one unit per day is my target, currently in Unit VII).

Finally looking at that picture, I donā€™t think this Aten is from my course as the original word has Fem (Aten) as part of the answer, and then Voces (Fem) as the translation. I think you got this from a Portuguese - Hebrew course, not mine.

Edit: Confirmed, this isnā€™t from my course, rather from the ā€œHebraico Moderno Basicoā€ course, where you are a participant, you arenā€™t even enrolled in mine XD

Dear Eriann,
first of all, thank you very much for the efforts that u did creating your courses!!
I would like to help you recording the audio for this course and for the Hebrew from Scratch II.

If you are interested, contact me please by mail ([email protected]).

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I noticed that feminine is spelled femenine troughout the course.

Hi and thanks for your great course!
I have a problem in Chapter 4 (Unit 15): The infinitive לחפש and its present tense מחפש have the same audio (both sound like present tense).

Hello, thank you for this great course! I wanted to ask if it would be possible to get my hand on the audio files, I would very much like to fork and translate this course for Czech speakers. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m confusedā€¦

Lesson 12 (named Chapter 2):
למשל is ā€œFor Example (D)ā€
לדוגמא is ā€œFor Example (M)ā€

What do the ā€œDā€ and ā€œMā€ stand for?

LeDugma - D - with Daled
LeMashal - M - with Mem.

They are synonims, so I just wanted to give a clue of which one you need to recall.

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Sorry, I recorded directly into Memrise, I donā€™t have files per se. But the database should have it.

Spanglish typo :s will fix (eventuallyā€¦)

Thank you very much, @EriannMX!

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Thank you for the great course! I noticed that the last 10 chapters donā€™t have audio, however, so that is a bit of a shame. Do you know how we could fix that? I would love to help if possible, the audio really helped me :blush:

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The speaker is my spouse, but we are currently living in different countries (work related :P). Once we get back together (and I finish with my French basics) I will get back to recording everything with him.

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Hello and thanks a lot for the course !
I also reached the last chapters and Iā€™d really like to hear the words, which helps a lot while learning.
I could also provide audio files for the last chapters since my hebrew teacher (for ulpan students) is ok to record them with her voice recorder.
How could we publish and share these audio files ?

Thanks for the course, it helps me a lot!

Iā€™m also interested in when the audio for the last chapters will be available. Are there any news on this? Many thanks!

Hi once again I just put a zip file on my google drive. Inside audio files from the lesson 20 made by my ulpan teacher. If it sounds good for you perhaps she could do the same for the next lessons. Hope it helps
Here the link:
[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YyVHBjq5c_TVO7qWyEVOfRFwEDGjGG6Y/view?usp=sharing](Audio Files from hebrew from scratch lesson 20)

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Hi, sorry for been disconnected. I tried the files you sent me, but they need to be in MP3, MP4 or AAC format. (These were WAV). I converted them and uploaded them, but that took a lil bit more time.

If you send me the files following the pattern of the last folder in MP3 format I will upload them.

dear all, any news about the audio?
that was sooo helpfulā€¦ can we do something for it?

Never got a reply from zacheus :confused:. Husband is flying tomorrow to Israel, so I canā€™t do anything now for 1 month. How many lessons I left unfinished? I donā€™t think there were that many :open_mouth: