[Course Forum] German Sentences Courses by Geil



Veicher = Viecher? (in book 4 description)

Some comments on the contents. Mostly nouns that you had forgotten to capitalise.


  • durch dieses glĂĽckliche gemeinwesen --> Gemeinwesen
  • Die reine Tryannei! --> Tyrannei

Book 2:

  • Mach das licht nicht aus --> Licht
  • Das wasser sah ein bisschen kalt aus,was? --> Wasser; space after comma.
  • Mit einem Schluck Zaubertrank / With a drink of magic elixir --> did you get “magic elixir” from the original English version of the comic? I think “magic potion” is more common otherwise.
  • kann ich unbemerkt jedes verbrechen begehen --> Verbrechen
  • Kurz Gesagt --> Kurz gesagt
  • Schwerkraft ist etwas willkĂĽrliches --> I think this is supposed to be etwas WilkĂĽrliches, but I’m not 100% certain of the rules around substantivised adjectives
  • So after you landed in phoenix, what happened? --> Phoenix (talking about the city in Arizona, presumably, i.e. a proper noun which ought be get capitalised in English)
  • wenn man einmal fahrrad fahren gelernt hat --> Fahrrad fahren

Book 3:

  • Das muss der höchste Berg im ganzen Staat sein! --> wouldn’t “mountain” be better for Berg? (I’d say “hill” = HĂĽgel, though of course the two languages may not map 1:1.)
  • die uns Tiger so verdammt Liebenswert machen --> liebenswert
  • Kehrtwendung in null komme acht Sekunden --> Komma (two corrections: K…a)

Book 4:

(no comments)

Book 5:

  • Mutter machen Erfinderisch --> I think you mean MĂĽtter with ĂĽ; also, erfinderisch
  • Wenn ich das sagen hätte, wĂĽrden wir zwischen Mai und Oktober niemals gras sehen --> das Sagen; Gras
  • in die schrecken der Unendlichkeit --> Schrecken
  • wie das Christkind seinen Laden schmeisst --> schmeiĂźt

Book 6:

(no comments)

An interesting approach :slight_smile:

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I think I got everything. Made this batch really really quick on Exel and spent even less time looking it over. It will be going slower now. Thanks a lot for pointing these out.:stuck_out_tongue: I plan on doing book 7 too.

I don’t think the translations have to be exact word for word. I read it has Hobbes is exaggerating and the German translation wishes to show this in wording. :slight_smile:

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Zaubertrank is the normal word for a magic potion, I’d say.

I changed it. But I always understood them to be rather the same in English and quite interchangeable. From video games to lore.

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