German native here. I’d second @Misfit0701’s opinion.
Actually, I’d really see this as the only correct translation. I’d translate “first of all” with “zuallererst” instead.
German native here. I’d second @Misfit0701’s opinion.
Actually, I’d really see this as the only correct translation. I’d translate “first of all” with “zuallererst” instead.
Correcting three cards:
In German 4 for English speakers, level 7, the following sentence exists:
sich auf … freuen
to look (oneself) forward to …
I think the word “(oneself)” should not be here. The sentence works better without it. In addition, I got the “reflex” that whenever I see the “(oneself)” in an English translation in Memrise, I automatically wright “sich”, which is often an unwelcomed clue.
On another topic, these two sentences (German 3, level 29) should have alternative accepted answers in the same constructs:
wie viele Stühle gibt es im Wohnzimmer?
how many chairs are there in the living room?
wie viel Milch ist im Kühlschrank?how much milk is there in the fridge?
The additional accepted answers should be: “wie viele Stühle sind im Wohnzimmer?” and “wie viel Milch gibt es im Kühlschrank?”
Thank you!
A possible alternative would be “wie viele Stühle sind im Wohnzimmer?” Your second sentence is fine though.
Thank you Olaf! I corrected this.
Hi All ,
May be it is a stupid question but how does one moves from German 1 to German 2 Level .
I have completed German 1 but not able to move up . Am i missing something .
Hello @fahadahsan26 and welcome to the forum!
Within the apps, you should see links in the levels overview, i.e. to the previous course (at the top) resp. the next one (at the bottom) wherever appropriate. If you’re using the web, you can just perform a search for the courses, i. e. search for German courses for speakers of English.
You’ll find German 2 here:
Hello @Olaf.Rabbachin ,
That was really fast response , thanks you very much .
I share two screenshots one from my andriod app and second from the Memrise website .
I see two differnt version. i find the Website one has more words 477 to learn than that of the 177 in German from app .
Why is the discrepancy. I have turned to paid subscription just 2 days before . Please help how to get same version on app also .
App Screenshot|242x500
I’m sorry, I don’t know what exactly might be the reason for this (I’m only a fellow user and not associated with Memrise!), so I can’t help you out on this one. I do know though that there are several courses that have different versions.
I’ll tag @MemriseSupport for you, they should be able to assist you in picking the newer (better/right?) course.
Hi @fahadahsan26,
I can see you are learning 3 different German 1 courses on your profile!
German 1 (old course) - This is from our older learning journeys, meaning they may not feature literal translations, examples and high-quality audio and videos recorded by native speakers.
German 1 for UK English Speakers
German 1 for US English Speakers
Hope this adds some clarity!
Memrise team
Just wanted to voice my disappointment with the material in German 7. Having invested lord knows how many hours to get to this point, what is meant to be the most advanced level is instead just pages and pages and pages of vocabulary. Virtually every new level is just another page of nouns and verbs. No context, no phrases, no sentences … just vocabulary. And all the verbs are all just infinitives. I’d get just as much from just thumbing through a dictionary.
To make matters worse, German 6 ends with some quite challenging material, none of which is then reinforced or extended.
Thankfully there are a few custom-made German Grammar courses which are rather challenging, so at least I’ve found some content that actually helps with more complex sentence structure, but they rely on computer-generated voices, and don’t have any of the usefulness of the native speaker videos on the official courses.
Having put so much time into the Memrise course, it really is extremely disappointing to get to the end and have it be so limited and so simplistic in its content.
Not great.
Okay, one more:
Why — seriously, why — is there so much content across the seven levels around crime, courts, criminals, witnesses, etc. I mean, short of being useful for watching Tatort, is this really information that your average language-learner would find useful?
Currently in German 3 - it drives me crazy when I have to write “can you help me?” in german and it doesn’t specify whether it’s formal or informal, so “kannst du mir helfen” is outright incorrect even though I already knew about “konnen sie” and it could’ve been avoided by adding a (formal) after the sentence.
Lesson 16 of German 3 asks to translate “the test” into German.
I would like “die Prüfung” to be an accepted answer.
Lesson 22 of German 3 asks to translate “the terminal” into German.
I would like “der Terminal” to be an accepted answer.
hi there.
several problems in german lessons in french langage i will try to regroup it here (sorry i just noticed that post)
(also sorry i can’t delete the other posts)
in german 3 : (from french)
bitte is missing
also in german 3
in french “das Pfund”
“la livre sterling”
“la livre”
source Livre sterling — Wikipédia
see also my post about “durcheinander” French to german durcheinander
tl:dr :
“durcheinander” should translate with “confus”
, not “perplexe”
also in german 3 /french
german 3 french to german
German 2 french to german
Das Krankenhaus => L’hôpital