[Course Forum] "Galician for Beginners" by DanielMiller

There are two verbs in Galician related to the English verb “to be”. They are “estar” and “ser”. Both are introduced in the same unit (level 3). When asked to type in the Galician for “to be” you have a 50% chance of being wrong since it does not accept both.

Please fix.

Stephen Meatheringham
Canberra, Australia

Would you, please, provide a link to this course. I’m pretty sure it’s user-created. In your post there’s no information about the course creator.

The course is at http://www.memrise.com/course/323334/galician-for-beginners/
The creator is listed as “DanielMiller”


Stephen Meatheringham

@Lien, would you, please, look if @DanielMiller. Is still active on Memrise.

He’s no longer active I’m afraid.
Would any of you like to be a contributor for this course

I know nothing about Galician. Do you @StephenMeatheringham want to take over this course and improve it?

Just now noticed your “this course” was linked to Estonian course by zeme…not to Galician for beginners. Has @zeme left memrise and you offering his/her Estonian course to me? IF zeme is no longer a memriser I can take over the Estonian course.

This thread is about Galician and I don’t want to takeover this course

Thanks. I know very little Galician, that’s why I am working my way through
the course. I don’t think I would be an appropriate person to maintain, let
alone improve, the course.

Stephen Meatheringham
Canberra, Australia

There are too many problems with this course. Another example, is with the word for “that”. In many languages (not English) there are multiple words for “this” and “that”. In Galician the masculine form of “that” can be either “ese” or “aquel”. The word to be used is dependent on the proximity to the speaker of what is being referred to. I have been marked incorrect when giving one word when it expected the other. The course needs to either be more specific as to proximity or accept both. Otherwise, it is basically requiring a learner to memorise phrases without learning grammar. That is not the way to learn, or even get basic proficiency in, a language. It’s time to dump this language - and perhaps Memrise too - and go back to professionally produced quality grammar books and audio courses.

@StephenMeatheringham you are aware that you are talking about user created course and that creator may not be a memrise user anymore. Memrise team does not modify nor maintain userb-created-courses