[Course Forum] French 1-7 by Memrise

Should missing audios be reported? I’ve noticed quite a few…

Hello! You are right, thank you. This has now been fixed.

Enjoy learning with Memrise!

Hello again!

It is actually an idiom in both languages meaning that it’s all in the past now. Hope that helps!

Keep the learning going!


Hello ChiewPang!

Sorry about that, please do report them in this thread or via a direct message to me (or at least the level where they are missing) and we will fix that asap.


French 1. It still does not accept ton for your in typing tests. It should be accepte all those 3 separately and without parentheses. The audiofile only says ton, but if you type it in, it is wrong

Regarding your second question, Gucheon, there are multiple correct ways to say that. Vous can be both formal and plural. “Vous êtes prêt” is the singular formal form. “Vous êtes prêts” is the plural form. “Vous êtes prête” would be be the singular feminine form, and “vous êtes prêtes” would be the plural feminine form. Note that the plural feminine form is only used when the entire group being referred to is female.



In new French 1, level 5, entry is “le café c’est délicieux”. Why c’est when we already have subject - le café? Why not “le café est délicieux”?


Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

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Bonjour !

The sentences le café est délicieux and le café c’est délicieux are both correct but have different meanings. The first one would be very specific (like this coffee is delicious) while the second one is general (coffee in general is delicious).

I hope that helps.

Bonne continuation !


Should name of country “Egypte” have accent? At this moment there is no accent.
French 3, lvl 5.

On Level 9 of French 1 (Memrise course), I believe the French needs to be fixed. Refer “est-ce que vous êtes prêt”. IMO the it should read, “est-ce que vous êtes prêts”. If someone suggests it’s formal singular - that’s fine except it doesn’t specify that. At a minumum the addition of the ‘s’ should at least be added as an alternative answer, meaning prêts (not prêt). Merci beaucoup.

It’s been nearly 2 months and I still haven’t got an answer. Why is “ton” not correct for “your”. French 1. Same thing in Russian 1, by memrise. @Lien Do you know smb who could fix this?

Hi, I’m currently on level 19 of French 5, and it teaches ‘faire une erreur’ for ‘to make a mistake’. But then both the sentences in the same level with mistake in them use ‘faute’ instead. (“j’ai fait une faute”, and “elle a évidemment fait une faute”.)

Can you tell me if there’s a difference between the words, or if not, could erreur be made an acceptable alternative?

I think they should both be accepted. “You” is ambiguous and could be either singular or plural.

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By “answer” do you mean a fix? You definitely got an answer within a week of your post in this topic by Lien. I guess the bug remains.

Ok, my English is not that good. What I wanted to know is … is anyone working on this error? In Spanish that kind of errors are fixed very quickly. In Russian 1 and French 1 there hasn’t been any change since July… It still does not accept меня (Russian1) nor ton (French).

How long it will take to accept those 2 words correct ones? Will it be that some day in the future all 3 forms for both languages are correct?

I agree with you @JonathanPeele. I can’t understand how, “est-ce que vous êtes prêts” (with the ‘s’) can be wrong!!!

Hello Ramajana!

Accented capital letters in French are a sensitive issue. While it is now recommended to use accents on capital letters, most people still don’t and this is reinforced by the fact that those characters do not appear on French keyboards.
We are however adding those accents as we are reviewing the courses so you should soon see it consistently on capital letters.

Thanks for pointing that out!

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Good morning Atikker!
Sorry for the late reply.
I just checked and it is now working. In the typing text, just type ton and then click on check and it is accepted. Please log off and back in again to make sure you have the lastest version of the course.

Best of luck learning French!

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Bonjour !

Thank you for your feedback. This has now been changed and both prêt and prêts will be accepted. You might have to log off and back in again to make sure these changes took place on your device.

Best of luck!

Hello Zil!

Faire une erreur and faire une faute have very similar meanings but naturally I would use faire une faute in the sentences we have here. This will be changed soon to make sure we are consistent. Bear with us a little.

Thanks for pointing that out!