[Course Forum] French 1-7 by Memrise

I’m going back through the new French 2, Vocab Booster: What’s the Time

It gives ‘six heures vingt-sept’ as twenty seven past seven, when it’s twenty seven past six

It gives ‘quinze heures’ as five p.m., where as 1500 hours is three p.m.

In Level 1 A Room with a View, it gives ‘sans ascenceur’ as ‘with no lift’, but my dictionary gives the spelling as ‘ascenseur’


@fanny_sta - can you please edit? Merci


Hi @MaxineDownunder and @gavan.599,

This has been now fixed :slight_smile: Please log out and in again to see the changes.



Is there an option for spellchecking all of the words and not just some of them?
Translating a word from French to English is way easier than the other way around so it would be nice to practice this for all words. That’s what I feel at least :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Fanny for your reply.

I was very sad to hear that level 7 is the final level for the French course. I love this app and will miss my morning sessions.

Is there any plans for making a level 8 in the future?



Hi @nicolalaidlawcnp57 and Happy New Year :slight_smile:

We have just release a new French 1 and French 2 for UK English with Grammar. I know that you have completed all 7 of the old courses, but you would maybe be interested in checking these 2 new courses out?

They have been designed with more natural content at their core, as well as giving more sentences for learners to be able to hold conversations earlier on. For example, Level 3 of the new French 1 – called Survival Kit – is made out of set phrases to learn how/when to use. To support this, we have created a brand new mode for Grammar to explain things like the negation of verbs (which is the 2nd level of the new French 1 after an introduction of 12 vocabulary items), how to use est-ce que, the declension of verbs, etc. along with exercices to learn how to form sentences with these grammar points in mind.

From Level 3 of the new course 1 onwards, we introduce specific topics and situations, including small talk, socialising with friends, office talk, eating out, etc. These levels are longer than in previous courses (approx. 60 items), and equip you with useful, entertaining phrases and vocabulary. In between these longer levels, you will also find shorter levels designed to boost your vocabulary (e.g. numbers, food, colours, days of the week, etc.).

If you wanted to try them out, know that you can ‘ignore’ any item that you already know by clicking the 3 dots under the little flower and clicking on ‘ignore’ when the item appears.

I hope this helps,



I’m working on the French 6 course and during one of the listening skills sections the word fermer was played. I was given the options of fermer, fermé, and others. I believe both fermer and fermé have the same pronunciation so I was a little confused as to how I could distinguish which one was the right answer.

Hi @kiannab,

Thank you for spotting this! There were a few occurrences of this issues that I have now corrected. Please log out and in again from your profile so you can have the updated version. :slight_smile:

Happy learning!


Merci beaucoup :slight_smile:

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@fanny_sta This is still an issue (at least in the Android app), it’s from French 1 level 10 “Day in, day out”. Especially confusing when you get it in Pronunciation mode and read “une semaine”, but hear “un mois”.

Unrelated to that, I think you should do something about checking the questions (and giving question materials too). What I mean is, in the grammar lesson (French 1 level 4), we’re given the reverse word order (which is what I’m also used to from when I studied at school), but most of the examples in other lessons use the direct order, which would be confusing for a beginner, I imagine. Then, in the tests, when there are question phrases, and the example has direct order, sometimes an answer with reverse order is accepted, sometimes it isn’t (for different questions), and I know for a fact that reverse order in those cases is NOT incorrect. But at least make it consistent, preferably with both variations as correct everywhere.


Thank you @MrAwesomesauce for your feedback on the grammar level, I truly appreciate. :slight_smile:

It is true that the inversion for questions in French is often taught, it is however rather formal. Given the more casual and friendly tone of our courses, we have preferred teaching the most common ways of forming questions, which are the structure with est-ce que or the change in intonation. In any case, you are completely right in saying that the inversion should still be accepted as a correct answer in most cases and I will check straight away if this has been included in all the appropriate questions. If you have any sentences in mind for which you were counted incorrect for doing so, would you mind letting me know which ones?

Concerning the item une semaine, please make sure you log out of your profile and in again to have the correct version on your phone. :slight_smile:



@fanny_sta Thanks for the quick response! Logging out and back in helped with the “une semaine” issue, now I get only the male version of the audio.
Regarding the other issue, these are the questions I have found that don’t accept an answer with inversion: “vous avez du wi-fi ?”, “vous pouvez répéter, s’il vous plaît ?”, “vous pouvez m’aider, s’il vous plaît ?” (lesson 3); “tu viens d’ou ?”, “tu fais quoi ?”, “tu fais quoi dans la vie ?” (lesson 5); “quel genre de films tu aimes ?”, “tu aimes l’art ?” (lesson 8). Although I’m not sure whether “tu fais quoi ?” should follow the same rule or not.
I’m only up to lesson 11 in French 1, but if I find any more examples, I’ll be sure to post them here.

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Thank you @MrAwesomesauce!

I will add the correct alternatives with inversion, but indeed, that doesn’t apply for « tu viens d’où ? », « tu fais quoi ? », « tu fais quoi dans la vie ? » :wink:


Just a thought for the next revision of the French 1 course. Thank you for giving us the ability to ask if there’s WiFi available. However, knowing that there’s WiFi isn’t enough. We also need to know how to ask for the network name and the password.

It can’t be that hard to add a couple additional vocabulary words, one for network (I’m assuming that name will be the same) and one for password.

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Hi @fredrikcoulter,

Indeed, these are also helpful to know. The structure of the sentence to ask for the network name and the password in French would be a little bit more complex for this level, but it will indeed be useful to include them a bit later on, thank you for flagging. One can also imagine that if you are asking if there is Wi-Fi available, you need to use it and therefore need the network name and password to do so. I understand this is relying on having a helpful interlocutor however. :slight_smile:

Kind regards,


In French 2, level 14:

Shouldn’t “se réconciler” rather be written “se réconcilier”?

Thank you.

I am having some issues with this; Why do the French lessons use “vas and the verb” for future tense? It has been a long time since I took French, but thought it should be “regarderais” instead of “vas regarder”? (Future perfect vs. future imperfect"). There were several examples of this in my lesson today; Tu irais" or “Tu aurais” instead of “Tu vas aller”. It has been a long time, but thought the future imperfect of aller was either “irais” or “aurais”, not “vas aller”.

I am not sure where to post this, but you seem to be having a similar issue.

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I am having a problem with some of the verbs also, especially the future perfects. I thought this was past tense usage.; ex: “vas regarde” with a slash over the last e. I took three years of French in high school and thought when you are going to do something that it is future tense.

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Hi @fanny_sta, there’s a mistake in french 2 for swedish-speaking, in part 22, “il est huit heures et demi” should be translated “den är halv nio”.


Thank you for spotting this @dadatic!

This has now been corrected and you’ll be able to see after logging out of your profile and in again.
