Hi @fanny_sta,
The idea to create French courses based on regional habits and expressions is great. However it would be better to first have a basic French course which remains neutral and focusses on teaching how to communicate in French with ‘general’ terms. This would exclude many expressions currently included in the Memrise basic French course which are only understood and spoken in France.
There are thousands of regional words and expressions which could be part of side courses, but why choose some over others (or any) for the basic Memrise French courses? This seems arbitrary and works against a valid teaching of a language’s fundamentals. The site axl.cefan.ulaval.ca is a very good reference to identify regional variations of words and expressions.
“Could you tell us which France-only slang words and anglicised terms you are referring to?”
I don’t use the app (my 3 children do), I only help them. So my examples from the app are limited, but in general, words such as “shopping, baskets, ferry, pressing, parking, chewing-gum, camping car, scooter, week-end, pipeline, le foot, des baskets/tennis, un jean, des boots, sneakers, un T-shirt, un short, un pull, un sweat, etc.” are NOT French words even if they are used in France. See francaisavecpierre.com or the link above for more examples.
Memrise is a good app, and I’ve got my money on it versus Duolingo (HelloChinese is better for Chinese). However, insisting on teaching words which are not understood nor used internationally hurts the app’s reputation as a serious tool for kids and adults to learn a language with such a variety of expressions internationally (and even within France). Much better care should be brought to the standard courses, and a cleaning of local words/expressions should quickly be made.
Good luck!