[Course Forum] French 1-7 by Memrise

It was a bug they fixed recently. Have you tried logging out and in? Clearing cache? @JosephGubbels

Yes this was placed here by mistake, it is a bug where typing strictly is enforced and all hyphens, comas, apostrophe and accents must be typed.

Happy to hear Atikker that is has been fixed.

I don’t know about this strictly typing bug being fixed. It seems Joseph had a problem with the hyphen taking a day off. This was before the strictly typing bug @sircemloud

I am doing French 3 for the speakers of Russian.

  • The word le pourboire is missing its audio in all exercises and also sometimes freezes the app.
  • For the phrase Est-ce que c’est possible… the audio plays twice every single time.
  • The word tourner is translated as the noun “поворот”, which seems to be wrong as it is the verb “поворачивать”.
    Thank you!

Bonjour! Comment est-ce que c’est possible? Merci.

This is a bug that has been brought up already, when the tapping test groups answer blocks and renders it wrong.

I’ve completed French courses 1-4 (official Memrise courses), and I am frustrated. Many, dare I say most, sentences to translate do not state whether we should use informal or formal (tu vs vous). It is aggravating to miss something because you translated, “could you please say it slower” with tu instead of vous. You literally have to REMEMBER which subject the original course was using for that sentence to get it right. That’s not hard until you have 900+ words/phrases to review from four courses.

Also, I’m having problems with the question translations EN>FR. Most of the time, Memrise requires us to use the “qu’est ce que” type of question form, but not always. It is frustrating when I enter a proper question and it marks it as wrong.

Either someone needs to get into the answers and put in the possible correct options, or the questions themselves need to specify formal/informal and question-type (inverted vs. est-ce que).

Thank you for allowing me to vent


@Me-Again, I agree with you completely! So easily fixable! Please Memrise, edit these occurrences.


Also wanted to mention, about my previous post with the tu/vous issue and the question format issue, it hit me after I posted it that although it’s frustrating for me, it would be terribly confusing for someone trying to learn French using Memrise. Lucky for me I already speak French and am using the app to correct my atrocious orthography. I would’ve already stopped using it if I were trying to learn the language.

I am a linguist and a translator/interpreter, so I frequently get asked for language program recommendations. At this point, I only recommend Memrise to people who already have a solid foundation in their target language. I recommend DuoLingo to those just starting with a new language. I wish I could solely recommend Memrise.

Things I love about Memrise: the yellow vs red for when you’re close to a correct answer, I like that you can go as far as you want in the language without being locked out of higher levels (unlike DuoLingo), and I love the native speaker videos, especially since they are made in open air. Bravo!


Hi. I’d like to report the problematic pluralization of “grand-parent” to “grand-parents” rather than “grands-parents”. I believe “grand-parents” is considered non-standard.

It seems that the majority of the issues appear in French 5 (and possibly later). Specifically, the sentences are “Mes grand-parents vont encore skier.” (“My grandparents still go skiing.”) and “Mes grand-parents sont allés en Afrique quand ils étaient jeunes.” (“My grandparents went to Africa when they were young.”). It’s possible that there are other instances.



http://www.francaisfacile.com/exercices/exercice-francais-2/exercice-francais-53378.php (near the bottom in 6. Cas particuliers)

Sorry for not directly linking the StackExchange source. The forum does some special thing to it so that it counts as several links. As a new user I can only post 2 links, so even with that source alone I couldn’t post.

EDIT: Turns out you can get past the 2 links only rule by editing your post.


Hello Anafunctor!

You are right, it should read grands-parents. I’m going to find them all and correct them!
Thanks for spotting that.



One of those sentences showed up in my review today and it was corrected. Thanks for your quick response and your effort in increasing the quality of the course.

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I hope this is the right place to report the following:
in French 4 lesson 9, the word “incroyable” demands a white space and an exlamation mark to be marked correct. I would understand the exlamation mark, since the task is to translate “unbelievable!”, if it was the same for other phrases that have it (which doesn’t seem to be the case). The white space is more difficult to understand. I only figured it out because I chose the wrong answer once before when presented with four alternatives: “inconnu”, “incroyable”, “incroyable !” and “intense”.

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Hello organell!

I just tried and if you type incroyable! without the space and hit ‘check’ it accepts the answer as correct.
As to why the space is there in the first place it is because French has a compulsory space before ?, ! and :.

Hope that helps!


Hello Guillaume, (EDIT sircemloud : @Guillaume_Jaskula)

quick question. Will both tu/vous forms ever be accepted for the various sentences in the courses ? I’m just after your clarification on this matter as it gets frustrating to have to remember which particular sentences in the course requires vous and those that require tu.


If you put the @ sign in front of the person’'s name, that person will get the post for sure.

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In French 1, the task “ils sont” is very frustating. It does not accept just “ils sont”, you have to write “ils sont elles sont” while de audio just says “ils sont”.

Hello. I’ve completed French 1. There appears to be a new bug with typing “au” in the review. It comes up as an error then the page gets stuck.

Also, can someone please clarify for me this sentence:

il est un peu triste parce qu’il n’a pas de petite amie

Why does it use “de” instead of “une”?

Many thanks. :slight_smile:

“de” expresses “a part of”, in French you could translate as “any kind of” in this expression

Thanks for your reply. I’m still a little confused. :slight_smile: