[Course Forum] French 1-7 by Memrise

Hi! In Russian they fixed it. In French it still only accepts tes and mes. If you hear ton or mon and you type it it’s totally wrong (red), if you type in ta or ma it is partially correct (yellow) and tes/mes are correct (green). (This is about memrise app)

ma and ta not accepted at all (red) in browser-memrise; only ton, tes and mon, mes are accepted (green)

When taking memrise course in French, I had to type words and sentences, and I noticed that while you have all these letters with accents lined up there isn’t button with “œ”. OK… my answer with “oe” was accepted, but still why not adding that character too?

Hello Ramajana!

As we are reviewing and improving the course I am making sure all words that should be writing with œ are indeed and that the special button will appear. This is always a tricky one because even in France many people write it as “oe” as it is not readily available on normal keyboards.

Just a little more patience and in the meantime, you can use “oe”.

Thank you for your precious feedback!


I don’t know, if this is the correct forum, but I have a concern about the german French 1 course (Französisch 1).
For the words ‘comment’ and ‘comme’ the translations both state ‘wie’ with no further hint. You always have to guess, which one is meant with a 50/50 chance to be right.
Thank you in advance!

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I’m about to finish the first official course of French (French 1 - Level 11)
The problem is with the last phrase I can’t get through

qu’est-ce que tu penses

Could you please fix that.
Merci beaucoup


I have a similar problem to the one of SergeKnysh. In French 3, level 4 (it is the French-Italian course, “Francese 3”), it is not possible to complete the level because of an error, as you can see hereunder.

The right sentence is “Est-ce que je peux vous poser une question?”

Could you please fix it? Thank you very much!


I’m having the same issue today. It started occuring on the all my French courses where it had previously not. Usually est-ce is joined together now est and ce are seperate and it’s causing issues.

Bonjour !

This is an issue we are working on at the very moment. We’re doing our best to get those nasty hyphens and apostrophes back in the rank. Bear with me a little while I go hunt them down.

Guillaume, the apostrophe hunter

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Diacritical marks no longer included in tapping tests {French}

The crazy hyphens and apostrophes are back, yay!!!
Sorry for that, they had just decided to take a day off apparently :slight_smile:



In French 5, I can’t past “S’ils gagnent ce match, ils gagneront la ligue” (“If they win this match, they’ll win the league”) in the exercise where you have to select them from the blocks. “Ils gagneront” is one block instead of two blocks, so that’s probably why it keeps getting marked as wrong. This has happened on other phrases, as well.

There’s a problem with some questions in segment 2 of the French 3 course. Specifically the exercises where you have to put the provided words in order, for the following phrases:

est-ce que je peux avoir l’addition s’il vous plaît ?
est-ce que vous aimeriez plus de bière ?
est-ce que vous acceptez la carte ?

The provided words for this exercise for these phrases are missing punctuation, specifically the only options are “est” and “ce” instead of “est-ce”, and it doesn’t recognize it as correct without the dash, so there’s no way to get them right and they have to be ignored to move on in the course. A number of other phrases in this section are also missing punctuation that makes them difficult to read, but unlike the above three, they’re still possible to complete.

It was a bug they fixed recently. Have you tried logging out and in? Clearing cache? @JosephGubbels

Yes this was placed here by mistake, it is a bug where typing strictly is enforced and all hyphens, comas, apostrophe and accents must be typed.

Happy to hear Atikker that is has been fixed.

I don’t know about this strictly typing bug being fixed. It seems Joseph had a problem with the hyphen taking a day off. This was before the strictly typing bug @sircemloud

I am doing French 3 for the speakers of Russian.

  • The word le pourboire is missing its audio in all exercises and also sometimes freezes the app.
  • For the phrase Est-ce que c’est possible… the audio plays twice every single time.
  • The word tourner is translated as the noun “поворот”, which seems to be wrong as it is the verb “поворачивать”.
    Thank you!

Bonjour! Comment est-ce que c’est possible? Merci.

This is a bug that has been brought up already, when the tapping test groups answer blocks and renders it wrong.

I’ve completed French courses 1-4 (official Memrise courses), and I am frustrated. Many, dare I say most, sentences to translate do not state whether we should use informal or formal (tu vs vous). It is aggravating to miss something because you translated, “could you please say it slower” with tu instead of vous. You literally have to REMEMBER which subject the original course was using for that sentence to get it right. That’s not hard until you have 900+ words/phrases to review from four courses.

Also, I’m having problems with the question translations EN>FR. Most of the time, Memrise requires us to use the “qu’est ce que” type of question form, but not always. It is frustrating when I enter a proper question and it marks it as wrong.

Either someone needs to get into the answers and put in the possible correct options, or the questions themselves need to specify formal/informal and question-type (inverted vs. est-ce que).

Thank you for allowing me to vent


@Me-Again, I agree with you completely! So easily fixable! Please Memrise, edit these occurrences.