Thank you to everyone for their kind thoughts and words. This will be my final posting in the forum.
Memrise, has changed over the years since I, and many of us long-time users, have been participants. It is not the same product it was years ago. It has suffered growing pains, and sadly, is not the same product I enjoyed when I first encountered it. But I won’t speak badly of the decisions the company makes of its product. Management has a business model it wants to pursue, and so be it.
What I did want to say, is that the strength of Memrise (IMHO) is not with its product, but with its user base. There is a reason why they are called “Community”, because for the most part that is how they seem to be. For the most part they band together, have common interests, and common goals. (They may not be the same common goals as Memrise management, but that is another story altogether.) I really wish and hope that one day Memrise will publicly recognize the wealth of talent and insight of the Community and take their experience and suggestions more seriously, rather than continuously ignore them.
There are hundreds or even thousands of intelligent, selfless, caring people in the Community who routinely offer their time, talents and insight to help make a better user experience. They offer suggestions, workarounds, edits, scripts, etc. They help with the “official” courses as well as those that are Community-created. (And I NEVER liked the term “official” ~ that is a very self-serving term used by Memrise staff. ALL courses on Memrise should be considered “official”). None of the caring folks in the Community are paid for their efforts. Most aren’t even positively acknowledged by other users, but still they offer their time, talents and insights.
As I leave, I would be remiss if I did not publicly acknowledge many who helped me along the way. Chances are they have helped most, if not all the users in one way or another. Many of their names are familiar to anyone who has spent any degree of time on the Community Forums. Obviously I cannot name everyone since the Forum only allows for inclusion of 10 usernames, so I give you: @alanh ; @DW7 ; @Hydroptere ; @neoncube ; @Arete_Hime ; @Atikker ; @TinyCaterpillar ; @DrewSSP ; @Diana.S ; @Lien .
I am old enough to remember the American singer Bob Dylan (in his original career). He had a line from one of his songs in the 1960s that stated “when you see your neighbor carrying something, help him with his load…” and that is what the caring people here in the Forum do. They help others. They help as neighbor helps neighbor. That is something that I hope never changes.
I am now receiving my treatments in the US, in a region where wilderness philosophy permeates with a mantra of “leave no trace”. I take that to heart, so that is why I deleted my courses. I leave no trace. I leave virgin ground for others. It may not be a popular decision for others (users of the courses), but I did what I felt I needed to do. I apologize if this decision inconvenienced others, but there is nothing preventing others from stepping forward and creating new replacement courses. It just takes hundreds of hours of time alone in front of a computer to plan, download, upload, debug, attach, detach, test, re-test, edit, publish (and then repeat ad infinitum). Any volunteers ?
Finally, to those of you who are global leaderboard watchers and followers, I leave you all with a gift. When I delete my Memrise account you will all get a bump up of the charts of one person. Enjoy your elevation !
Thank you all for the years together. I wish everyone well with your studies. But please remember this ~ life is short. Sometimes the lessons in life that matter most are not what we learn in school or on a computer screen, but in the world. So take some time to logoff, hug your family and friends, take in the beauty of a sunrise or listen to the sounds of the wind in the trees or the waves on the shore. It isn’t always the tangible things in life that matter, sometimes it is the intangibles. I was reminded of that, so that is why I am logging off from the cyber world and joining the real world.
Good-bye and good luck. As Memrise staff likes to say every once in a while in their postings “Happy Memrising !”