Bonjour @hypermice, can you kindly amend the apostrophe for l’huître, because it’s different to all the other foods starting with a vowel or ‘h’. The only way I can get it right is to copy the apostrophe from the French word (for oyster), then paste it into my answer. No other words are affected so I can only presume a different apostrophe has been used in this case. Merci beaucoup.
Sorry about that! You are correct, it is a different apostrophe. On my PC it looks exactly the same, but when I checked it out on my phone it is clearly different. I changed it to the same one all the other entries use, and added the weird one to alternative answers in case some people are used to using that weird one. Thanks for tagging me and telling me about it! I don’t really follow the forums usually =P
Thanks hypermice - I appreciate you amending it, and so quickly too! Merci beaucoup.