Please post your comments about this great flower course here:
Please post your comments about this great flower course here:
Hi @UmiiGore,
I see you have over 1 Million points and this is a fairly recent course, so I hope you are still active.
I really like your course and I’d like to offer some suggestions.
Hi @lien as @UmiiGore has not found this forum, I am not sure if they are still active or not.
Could you please contact her (?) or some other contributor, some time?
@albo2albo may already be a contributor (as he is the top all-time scorer on this course), so I will contact him (as I know him well).
(Otherwise I am happy to become a Contributor to this great course.)
Hi @DW7 - sorry, I’m not a contributor to this course, otherwise I would add you.
@Lien - over to you
Hi @DW7,
As the creator appears to be no longer active on Memrise, I’ve made you a contributor.
Best wishes,