[Course Forum] First 5000 Words of Spanish: Top Up #4 by ian_mn

This is the discussion forum for the course First 5000 Words of Spanish: Top Up #4

Top Up courses #1 through #4 cover general purpose, high-frequency vocabulary that’s not already included in First 5000 Words of Spanish by xoviat (or the reformatted version - Introductory Spanish 1 etc by BenWhately).

While constructing this course, I referred to the following sources:

  • GCSE Spanish AQA Vocabulary List (2009 edition)
  • 2001 Most Useful Spanish Words by García Loaeza
  • Spanish Top 5000 Vocabulary by Anki
  • U.S. Border Patrol Basic Vocabulary List
  • AWL headwords & most-frequent sublist words


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Level 2: siquiera=even if adv

Ian, just a small thing but I think the part of speech is wrong on this one. I’ve checked on WordReference and they give

adv: at least, even (negatively)
conj: even if, not even, even though

Not nit-picking, it just through me when I was answering because I’d previously learnt it as ‘at least’.

Kind regards

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Thanks - a very good point, I think.

I’ve changed the item to:

siquiera = even if (not “aun si”), not even, even though (CONJ.); at least, even (negatively) (ADV.); — PoS = Conjunction / Adverb

“siquiera” appears to be a very common word (Davies’ 5000, word #602) but has a multitude of different possible meanings, and is not included in the Memrise xoviat 5000 course.

This new Memrise forum format has greatly reduced suggestions/corrections re. my courses, and I very much appreciate all your feedback.

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My pleasure & apologies for spelling mistake (threw/through). My English has gone to pot!

Mmm - not keen on new forum. Still hoping it will grow on me.

Thanks for making the change.

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Level 3: la inflamación = swelling

Ian, I see inflamation and swelling as two different things so can I suggest this be changed to:
la inflamación = inflammation, swelling.

Perhaps ‘la hinchazón’ would be better for swelling on it’s own.

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Thanks - I agree with your suggestion.

The item now reads:

la inflamación = inflammation, swelling

I originally got the simpler “swelling” definition from Garcia Loaez: "2001 Most Useful Spanish Words (2010), p195.

When I get around to it, “la hinchazón = swelling” will be included in a future Top Up #7 course (that will be based on the SUBTLEX-ESP frequency list).

For general interest, it turns out that:
“Swelling is considered one of the five characteristics of inflammation; along with pain, heat, redness, and loss of function.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swelling_(medical)

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Great stuff. It will be interesting to see what comes up in #7 (I’m only just doing #4, so a long way off for me yet).
Have you had any thoughts of doing another verb course?

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Yes - I’ve got another verb course partially prepared, and I expect have it ready around the end of the year. It will cover the verb forms found in the third most frequent 1000 words of the Wiktionary Top 10,000 Spanish words from subtitles.

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I’m really pleased to hear that. The verb courses really make a huge difference when starting to speak spanish.

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Level 3 la euforia= euphoria, elation

Just a small point: the audio has the stress as if there is an accent on the i.

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Thanks - now fixed - I’ve replaced the audio file.

I thought briefly that I might have omitted an accent, but that wasn’t it - just a rogue audio file.

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Level 8: remover=to remove

Can I suggest you add ‘to stir, turn over’ to this definition. I’ve learnt this word in another course & on checking the dictionary, I think that ‘to stir’ is a primary definition.


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Hi, thanks for that.

There are lots of definitions for remover, I’ve found.

The translation “to remove” is in first place in both the Davies 5000 word frequency dictionary (it’s actually his only translation), and in the Univ. of Chicago Spanish Dictionary (4 ed). So I’m going to retain “to remove” as the first definition.

On balance, I think I’m going with the U. of Chicago translation:

Level 8: remover = to remove (not “quitar”); to stir; to dismiss (Lat Am)

I considered “to turn over”, but this apparently relates (according to my Collins Dictionary) to turning over earth - which seemed a bit obscure.

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Fair enough.

When I go to Spain, I am usually staying with friends so find myself in a domestic situation. Stirring sauces, tossing salads and discussing garden are common occurances for me. Hence my bias :slight_smile:

Thanks for making the change.

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I just added the gardening definition - so it’s now:

remover = to remove (not “quitar”); to stir; to turn over (soil); to dismiss (Lat Am)


@silverbear - to let you know, I just added a third verb course:

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Excellent! I shall treat this as an early Christmas present.

Many thanks Ian


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I edited/improved the definition of mudar, and it now reads:

Level 9: mudar = to change (not “cambiar”); to shed (skin); to moult

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“el billete de ida y vuelta” should be a round-trip ticket, not a one-way ticket. Or the Spanish should be “el billete de ida.”

Thanks - I’ve corrected it - definition now reads “return ticket, round-trip ticket (Sp.)”.

Three or four years ago, someone asked me to improve the definitions for the single ticket and return ticket items to include U.S. terminology. I clearly added the wrong definition to this one (TU#4, Level 5) at the time.

The single ticket definition (TU#1 Level 2) was/is O.K.