Level 6: surgir = to arise
Level 5: subir = to go up, to rise, to ascend (not “ascender”)
Level 18: sugerir = to suggest (not proponer)
Now changed to:
Level 6: surgir = to arise; to rise (s…, not “subir”)
Level 5: subir = to go up, to rise, to ascend (s…, not “surgir”)
Level 18: sugerir = to suggest (not proponer)
Top Up #1, L7: a medias = halfway
Level 8: la mitad = half, middle, midpoint
Level 2: el medio = half (not mitad)
Level 39: la media = average, stocking, tights (noun: not promedio)
Level 4: medio = half
Some changes made:
Top Up #1, L7: a medias = by halves, half and half, halfway
Level 8: la mitad = half, middle, midpoint (Noun) (not “el medio”)
Level 2: el medio = half (Noun) (not “la mitad”)
Level 39: la media = average, stocking, tights (Noun) (not “el promedio”)
Level 4: medio = half (Adj.)
I’ve recently been trying to sort these out in my head. My definition of el medio is half, middle (midst), means, way. To me, la mitad is more about a physical position.
I will investigate the usage of these. I did notice that some online dictionaries are showing overlapping definitions, so this is tricky.
As well as improving the items in this course, I’d like to get the most common usage in my head. One option might be to add some typical phrases that incorporate the various Spanish translations of “half” to one of my Top Up courses. I don’t want to do this to the xoviat course, as I’m just a contributor to this course.
This sounds like a good idea. However, just a word of caution regarding learning by sentences with Memrise.
I’ve done a few grammer courses on here. On the whole, they are very good but the synonyms are a bugbear for both the teacher and student.
Yes - you make a good point. Additionally, I think the Memrise format is poorly suited for learning phrases of more than three or four words. I’m currently testing out Huliganov’s Gold List method for longer phrases.
Apologies for the delay in responding, but thanks so much! I’m already noticing some are better.
Top Up #1, L7: a medias = by halves, half and half, halfway
Level 8: la mitad = half, middle, midpoint (Noun) (not “el medio”)
Level 2: el medio = half (Noun) (not “la mitad”)
Level 39: la media = average, stocking, tights (Noun) (not “el promedio”)
Level 4: medio = half (Adj.)
Definitely an improvement, although these still confuse me I don’t think it’s due to the course haha
Level 51: el sendero = path (s…, not “la senda”)
Level 55: la vereda = path (not sendero or senda)
Level 62: el camino = track, road
Top Up #2, L7: la senda = path, lane (s…, not “el sendero”)
It seems to me that ‘camino’ is still too similar - ‘path’ and ‘track’ mean pretty much the same thing to me.
Otherwise looking good. I’ll let you know of any others I spot
el compañero colleague, partner, mate (not colega)
Could you change it “not colega or socio”? If these are really synonyms.
Memrise official course has an item: el socio; la socia = the (business) partner
Okay, business partner is not exactly the same meaning as colleague. But the mate (=buddy) meaning is also present on spanishdict.com for socio.