[Course Forum] Engels 1-7 by Memrise (English for Dutch)

I cannot see when they want me to answer with much or with many. Is there a trick???:pensive:

The language specialist is @MerlijnB .You can ask/report in Dutch.

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you have not specified which course you talk about (you could post a link), but generally I would think much refers to uncountable nouns, many refers to countable nouns (how many bricks, vs how much water)

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@MerlijnB I would like to ask you something. I cannot figure out in the English Course for Dutch Speakers when they want me to answer much or many . In Dutch it means the same, just veel. Is there any trick I can use to solve the problem

At the forum I miss the topic English for Dutch Speaker. Is it possible to make such topic? Hope you mind me asking you :smile:
Thanks Peet


@mthierst It is about the English course for Dutch speakers. They ask just the answer for Veel (is much and many in English) but they don’t give a clue what answer they want. Hope you understand what I try to explain:wink:

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Hi Petri_Wilson72,

Could you let me know the course and level numbers where you’re having problems with many/much? I’ll see if I can find it myself as well, and make sure to add some extra information (e.g. countable/uncountable) to make it clearer!



Hi again,

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe you’re referring to English for Dutch speakers, Course 2, Level 4. I’ve now made the following changes, which should make it clearer:

many = veel (telbaar)
much = veel (ontelbaar)



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Hi Merlijn,
Het is de cursus Engels voor Nederlands sprekers, maar welke level het was??? Later zag ik in een flits uncountable staan, wat ik eerder niet heb gezien. Misschien toen over het hoofd gezien of toch een erg warhoofd. Hihi.
Bedankt voor je snelle reactie :relieved: groetjes Peet

@MerlijnB Je bent geweldig Merlijn. Dus er stond toch in eerste instantie geen countable en uncoutable bij. Opluchting voor mij. Groetjes Peet

Het was inderdaad nogal onduidelijk in eerste instantie. Erg bedankt voor de tip en veel leerplezier!

@Lien, I think there’s no official course forum for English for Dutch speakers yet? Would it be possible to make this forum the official one?

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Geen dank joh, graag gedaan. Ik vin het inderdaad leuk om op deze manier bij memrise een taal te leren.

I can do it too. I just do not know how English is in Dutch

I I also need to know is it US or British English

Some links to these courses would be very nice and handy

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There do not seem to be any courses in US English for Dutch speakers (yet).


@MerlijnB could you have a look to this discussion A general chat topic for English

You’ll find the sentences in English 4 for Dutch speaker Level 10. Hope you can help us.
Have a good and sunny day!

Hi Petri,

Will do so right away! Sorry for the late reply, I was away for a few days.



Thank you! :slight_smile: