From Edexcel GCSE Chinese
“His school is bigger than mine” is listed as:
It should be
我们学校有大… “Our school has a big…” - it won’t allow a 的 after 我们。 Should also allow 我们的学校有一个大(的)。。。
我们的学校有 / 没有校服。 It insists on using 的 after the 我们 but in the other entry about “our school” the de is not accepted. Inconsistent?
我的头发很长 / 短。I have long / short hair. Only accepts it with “hen” before the chang/duan in the middle - won’t also accept “我的头发长 / 短。”
Should be:
昨天我上了化学课。 (different zuo)
我觉得我们的校服好看 / 不好看。
我觉得我们校服好看 / 不好看。 - should also be accepted without insisting on the 的 before 校服