This is the course forum for the Memrise courses based on the material in the “De Opmaat” and “De Sprong” textbooks and Rosetta Stone Dutch. I hope you find the courses useful, and I appreciate any feedback!
Thanks for the feedback! Actually, the audio is “parfum”, but I guess the “f” sounds like an “s”. I’ve requested a new pronunciation on and will update the audio when it is available.
Great course. Where do you get your translations into English? A few things I am noticing, and some feedback about the course; coverage of some of the close synonyms or words with slight variations is not well differentiated.
Example in course:
ten slotte = finally
tot slot = finally
This is incorrect or at least not well differentiated. “tot slot” is commonly used as “finally” while ‘ten slotte’ is more geared toward “lastly”. It is frustrating when the cards coming up are asking for 1, but won’t accept the other as an answer. So finding a way to differentiate, like you do with many other closely related words, would be helpful.
Also I have seen this with kwijtraken and verleizen as well as daarna and it’s synonyms.
For the meantime I will just have to skip the words, because there is no way around the problem and it really destroys the rhythm of study to have words moved to difficult just for failing to provide exactly the answer expected.
Otherwise, this is a really helpful course and I am grateful for the effort you have put in here.