I suspect I have seen this too. It may be in the sequence of characters you typed. If there are backspaces or delete in your input stream, or if you move the cursor and insert characters, I think it can get confused.
Would you be able to fix below please?
van 12 uur 's nachts tot 12 uur 's middags
The audio is
het is altijd het donkerst vlak voor de zonsopgang
but the written sentence is
het is altijd het donkerst vlak voor zonsopgang
So the “de” is missing in the written version.
Hi @kongjie,
Unfortunately, I am not sure anyone from @MemriseSupport actually maintains this course. As you probably know by now, there are a handful of minor typos and errors. Hope someone can resolve this one soon!
good luck!
spaces and periods…
Thanks for reporting this!
We do our best to review all our courses to ensure they don’t include errors, however unfortunately some of them might slip through the net every now and then
If you have spotted an error on an official Memrise course, please fill in this form with the details: Submit a translation error. This will then be reviewed by our content team, who will make any necessary changes at the earliest availability.
Hi @MemriseSupport, there are literally dozens of issues on this thread that have been reported by users. It is a bit much to ask users to dig through this list and post. Would it not be more efficient and practical for everyone to have someone on team Memrise go through this list?
I guess I’m a little shocked that the course isn’t actively maintained. And I was even more shocked when I realized there is no Dutch 8. If I had known that this was the extent of Memrise Dutch courses, I probably wouldn’t have renewed my subscription.
Hi @kongjie,
If it makes you feel better, there are a few excellent community-created courses. Specifically I have in mind those by @Robert-Alexander:
- Dutch Pronouns ♫ Audio - by Robert-Alexander - Memrise
- Dutch Verb Conjugation ♫ Audio - by Robert-Alexander - Memrise
- Frequent academic Dutch Words ♫ Audio - by Robert-Alexander - Memrise
- 5000 most frequent Dutch Words ♫ Audio - by Robert-Alexander - Memrise
- 2500 medium frequent Dutch Words ♫ Audio - by Robert-Alexander - Memrise
They have full audio coverage and are well-maintained. At the moment, I am working through the conjugation course and will move onto the academic course.
Aside from these, two courses that were created by others but are maintained by me are:
- Dutch - The 1,001 Most Common Words - by seeirwin - Memrise
- Dutch - The 1,002 to 2,002 Most Common … - by DaftShadow - Memrise
They have >90% audio coverage but I am hoping to push it to 100% soonish.
[Edit: the first 1001 word course is now at 100% audio coverage.]
I recently passed my A2 and give credit to the official courses 1-7, the two sets of 1001 words, and the verb conjugation course.
Thanks for the reply. I did see these on the website, but am I correct that there is no way to access these through the (ios) app?
Hi @kongjie,
Honestly, I am not sure about all the app features and searching for things on the course.
I do know, however, that after starting a course on the website it will appear on the app. You then have the opportunity to save the course to your device to also work offline. I can send screen shots if you want.
I would use the sentence without ‘de’. But both sentences are correct.