[Course Forum] Duolingo Hungarian from English, by Atalina

Please post any suggestions or feedback about my course here.

Here are the basics about how this course works:

In order to include all inflections of each word, I have added the case as an attribute for nouns and adjectives and the person and tense as attributes for verbs. Because of this, you will have to pay attention to the attributes on tests, as you will be marked wrong for using the same word but in a different case or conjugation than listed. For some reason the app does not show attributes correctly, and I don’t know how to fix it, but it should work correctly on the computer.

All audio has been taken (legally) from forvo.com. I know some of the audio files are not perfect. I have requested new pronunciations for those words but decided that it is better to have an audio file with thumps in the background than to have no audio in the meantime.

Finally, this is a work in progress (I’m currently finished up to the second checkpoint), and my first attempt at making a Memrise course. Please be kind!

Course Link

Your Duolingo Hungarian vocab course is excellent! Thank you for taking the time to create it and add audio too. This is incredibly helpful.

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This is really helpful! Duolingo is great for learning how to put words together in sentences, and it also teaches grammar. Memrise is really good for learning and drilling vocabulary. The two together make a really good course. Thank you so much for doing this!

I have one question, which I ask kindly: Are you planning to add any more sections? I could really use some drilling on the case forms taught in the third section (past the second checkpoint). I understand the concepts, but the words don’t come to my mind naturally with the right endings, so I think I just need practice.

Thanks again!

Zelette (Bastette54 on Duolingo)

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Thank you for making this course. Like the previous poster said, it is very helpful to use along with Duolingo. I would also like to see the remainder of the course!

Köszönöm szépen!

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I absolutely intend to add more sections! I was on vacation in Europe and then at a summer camp, so I took a break for a bit, but I plan to start working on it again today :smiley:

Hi Atalina,

Great news! Sounds like you had a great trip.

Thanks for letting me know that you will be adding more sections. They have been very helpful!


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Hi Atalina
Thanks very much for uploading this course, It’s been very useful in improving my speed of recognition and Hungarian spelling.
I look forward to the time when you are able to add more sections for this course.

One small thing I have noticed in the “Nationality” section the question asks for Austria (s) but it only accepts the plural answer “Osztrák” this always catches me out :slight_smile:
Kind Regards

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Thanks for letting me know! I’ll fix that right away :). Sorry I’ve been busy recently because school just started.

Is what I had said, but I looked it up just to be sure and it seems osztrák is actually the singular, and osztrákok the plural. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/osztrák is what I used.

I did a quick look at your first lesson. Why would you say vizet is water and bort is wine? try to look up vizet in an english/hungarian dictionary and you wont find it. ditto for bort. listing the accusative form without providing the nominative is highly misleading. also listing the infinitive instead of the third singular indefinite for verbs is misleading, because EVERY normal hungarian dictionary lists the verb by the third singular indefinite, NOT the infinitive.

I did not look at later chapters, but I do hope that people ultimately get to understand that they have to know the underlying basic forms in order to really know what is going on.


You are absolutely right. Course creator is probably not a native speaker.

Hi Atalina, thanks for creating this course, I am currently using it. I especially love the audio files you incorporated.

As you requested feedback, I would like to take the liberty to give it: I find there are too many entries. One for every verb conjugation, one for every noun conjugation. Especially with Hungarian, that is an endless story. A bigger problem is that sometimes it will be impossible to give the right answer. If Memrise asks the translation of “student”, do I chose “diák” or “diákot”?
I find I put 90% of the words on “ignore”. And that’s a lot of work you did for nothing.

As a recommendation, I would get all conjugations out. If it is irregular, simply add them with the word itself, or - even better - use them in a short sentence, that can also be found on Duolingo. For example: “Nem látok egy diákot” to learn the accusative form.

Hello Atalina,

you steped into the same trap as the Duolingo-coursemakers did. But they had years of preparation if I believe their comments in their blog - which is a very sad fact when you look at their result. Translations are often not manageable as simple 1:1 relations. You have to allow alternatives.

If you enter a hungarian accusative form of a noun, then add to the english noun an (acc.) or (accusative). Else the user does not know, if he should take the nominative or the accusative form in hungarian.

Because of the verbs you make the same mistake as Duolingo does by using the “you”-forms:

“you stand” can mean in hungarian “te állsz” OR “ti álltok” OR “ön áll” OR “önök állnak”. The first two are the second persons singular and plural, the last two are the polite forms singular and plural.

How to handle the verbs in general? I also create a hungarian language course for German speaking people. I broke with the convention to use the 3rd person singular indefinite form as the correct version for the infinitive.

If I ask the correct word for a german infinitive form I accept only the hungarian infinitive form.

Why? Because “áll” on its own can mean in english “to stand” (=állni) or “he/she/it stands” (= ő áll).

If I ask for a conjugated form, I always use the personal pronoun in front of the verb, so it is clear - beside that special case of the you-forms. You can add alternatives as correct solutions, that don’t use the hungarian personal pronouns.

And finally: you should always accept for verbs in english both forms, simple and continuous forms. How should the user now, that “csinálsz” must be translated as “is doing” but “vársz” as “(you) wait”.

Good luck for you.

Andreas Kraneis