[Course Forum] ! Deutsch - warum nicht? (Serie 2) by neal.p.carey

For a general description, refer to Serie 1 of this course: Deutsche - warum nicht? - Serie 1

Deutsche - warm night? Serve 2 is a continuation of the course, “German - why not?”. It is aimed at beginning and intermediate learners.

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Thank you a lot for this wonderful course! Great work!

Haben Sie den auch in Schwarz?
Please, add the article ‘der’ to the word ‘Rock’, ‘die’ to ‘Farbe’, and the word ‘das Erdgeschoß’. Thank you!

Added to Level 13. Other articles added with appropriate Alts.

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Hello again!

Level 14. Das soll sehr interessant sein
Please, replace the audio file for “denken”

Danke - Done!

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Hello! I’m going to be somebody like an editor :joy:

Level 14. Das soll sehr interessant sein
Please, delete the wrong audios for the words:
:heavy_check_mark: “handeln” (there are 2 audios: “handeln” and “wenig”)
:heavy_check_mark: “schlecht” (there are 5 audios, 1 of them is for “halten”, the second one is empty)
:heavy_check_mark: “die Oper” (there are 2 audios: “Oper” and “wenig”)
:heavy_check_mark: “gut” (“wenig” instead of “gut”)

All are ‘fixed’ now. Thanks for reporting these. Something odd happened during the course development. A lot of audio files (especially ‘wenig’) became attached to places or replaced existing files where they didn’t belong. Hopefully most of them are fixed, but I suspect there will be more.

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Das hat jemand gehört
Please, add the translation to the word “nachts”.


Fixed. I also paged through the whole database and fixed a few more that were corrupted.

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Das hat jemand gehört
Please, change the translation to the phrase “Ich habe also die Geschichte gelesen und geträumt” from “So I was reading the book and dreaming” to “So I was reading the story and dreaming”

Changed to “story”


Woher kommt der Name Aachen?
Please fix this phrases:
:arrow_forward: from “normalweise” to "normal_er_weise"
:arrow_forward: an empty sound in “das Jahr”

Both Fixed!

Das weiß ich von ihm
from “Karl der Großer hat hier seine Residenz” to “Karl der Große hatte hier seine Residenz”

Fixed hat → hatte!

Hello again!

Level 24
"Aber hier ist ein bißchen langweilig" >> “Aber hier ist es ein bißchen langweilig”

Thanks. Fixed!


Level 25. Können Sie mir noch Handtücher geben?

[quote=“VictorEsin4, post:18, topic:902”]
[/quote] - OK, now fixed.

A general suggestion: the audio for individual nouns should contain the article along with the word. It makes it far easier for learners to remember the grammatical gender. I know that I’m always stumbling with some words that don’t have the article in the audio, although it exists in the written version. I know that this requires the re-uploading of many files, which is probably easier done gradually - but I really think that it could make a big difference.