[Course Forum] Cwrs Mynediad (Gogledd) by Yddraiggoch

I have noticed a couple of errors in the course “Cwrs Mynediad (Gogledd)” but I don’t know how to contact the course creator or possibly become a co-maintainer.

@MemriseMatty, can you help, please? Or who would be the right person to ask?

@Lien, can you help me contact the maintainer of the course https://www.memrise.com/course/541451/cwrs-mynediad-gogledd/ , please, or tell me whom to ask? Thank you!

@MemriseMatty is the right person to ask. He seems to have missed your message so I have contacted the course creator on his behalf.
Hopefully the course creator can join the conversation here soon. If we haven’t herd back in the next week or so, please remind me so we can add you as a contributor.

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Thank you!


Sorry for the late reply! I stopped studying Welsh a while ago, so I haven’t been checking the courses.
Just let me know what the mistakes are and I will correct them as soon as I can!


Looking at the sentences I’ve ignored or that I remember I had problems with:

  • Level 3:
  • Be’ 'dy’ch enw chi? - would be nice if it also accepted Be’ ydy’ch enw chi? (for example, in Level 4, there are a number of sentences starting Be’ ydy ei …, so it would be good if all accepted Be’ ydy…, for consistency)
  • Be’ 'dy’ch rhif ffôn chi? - ditto
  • Level 7:
  • Sut oedd y tywydd ddoe? – should also accept (or perhaps should be) Sut roedd y tywydd ddoe?. Later on, there are other questions that use Sut roedd …?, and they should all accept the same wording, I think, and preferably also use the same wording
    • This sentence also shows up in Level 10
  • Nac oedd, roedd hi ddim yn braf – I believe this should be doedd hi ddim and not roedd hi ddim
  • Level 16:
  • Mi wnaeth o ddim byd – I don’t think this should have mi in it as I thought that’s just for positive statements. So I think this should be simply Wnaeth o ddim byd.
  • Mi gaeth o ddim byd – ditto, should be just Gaeth o ddim byd, I think.
  • Level 19:
  • I found it confusing here that the commands here did not have an exclamation marks - they look like bare verbs to me (e.g. for “go shopping” I would expect mynd i siopa rather than ewch i siopa). Oddly enough, Edrycha has “Look!” with exclamation mark.
  • Ffonia dy frawd / Ffoniwch eich brawd – could these also accept Ffonia dy frawd di / Ffoniwch eich brawd chi, please? Most other places that have possessives use both parts.
  • Level 21:
  • Nac ydy, dydy o ddim yn diddorol – the last bit should be yn ddiddorol with mutation after yn.
  • Level 23:
  • saith deg pump ceiniog - would be nice if it accepted saith deg pum ceiniog - or perhaps be changed to that. I thought that pump changes to pum before objects that are counted. On the other hand, I’ve heard that in actual speech, this rule is not always observed. So perhaps both could be accepted here.
  • Faint ydy’r ffeirns? - should be fferins, I believe (from “fairings”).
  • Level 24:
  • Ydy, mae ei fraich o’n brifo / Nac ydy, dydy ei fraich o ddim yn brifo – these talk about “his arm”, but the English prompt is about “my arm”. One of the two should be changed to match the other.
  • Level 24:
  • Pump punt naw deg ceiniog – accept Pum punt… as well, please?

That’s as far as I have got in the course so I haven’t looked at the later lessons yet.

Thanks for offering to make the corrections!

Also, if you’ve stopped studying Welsh, would you like to hand over the course to me, if that’s even possible?

My goodness! That’s quite a few issues…
I may not have the time to make all these changes, so I’ve added you as a contributor to make any changes.

Pob lwc!


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Do you want me to take over / co-maintain any of your other Welsh courses as well?

(The only other one of yours I’ve taken is the Traditional numbers one and I haven’t had any issues with it, so I’m just asking in general.)

Hi again,
I’ve added you as a contributor to all my Welsh courses, so you can make corrections if or when you join them.


Thank you!

Also, I’ve made the edits I referred to above in the Mynediad (Gogledd) one now.
