Please post here any suggestions for improvement, corrections or problems with the course.
Here is the link:
Can’t find this course on memrise. Is it deleted?
You are right - it’s not opening.
Perhaps it’s private.
None of his courses are listed and he does not seem to be present (ie learning anything).
Can @AmmarQ or @MemriseSupport help please?
Hi there,
Sorry for any confusion.
Unfortunately this course has been deleted due to copyright infringement.
Please note that courses containing copyrighted material are not allowed on Memrise. If a course has been reported as infringing on someone’s copyright, we will delete it as per our Terms.
Please see our Terms of Use for more information:, section 8, Posting Information and User Content.
I hope this clears any confusion. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Best wishes,
I do think it’s quite harsh to just remove a course without even informing its creator.
IMHO you should just make the course non-public or at least private. The latter shouldn’t cause any copyright infringement.
A whole lot of work may have gone into creating a course! If you’re obliged to remove a course, the creator should at least know about this and should be able to at least have the time to perform a backup!
Hi Olaf,
Thanks for your feedback. Your comments are perfectly reasonable, however unfortunately we do not have the tools to make courses private or unlisted right now (as anyone with the URL could still access them).
I’d like to remind all Memrise learners and creators that copyrighted materials are not permitted on our platform, and as per our Terms of Use we have the right to remove said content where the infringement is raised to us. Sometimes these are time-sensitive cases, so we won’t be able to contact the creator before the deletion.
However, please rest assured that your comments have been heard and we’ll rethink how the process works to make it fairer and more transparent for course creators and learners alike.
Thanks again,
Hi Ale @ale_c
Just a quick follow-up question, I"m hoping you can answer.
Currently, what are the differences impacting course access when the setting “unlisted” has been selected by a course creator/contributor, rather than the setting “incomplete”?
Thank you, - Ian.
Incomplete and Unlisted courses behave in the same way, i.e. they will not show up to users browsing courses on Memrise. You can learn more here.
However, please note that if anyone has the direct URL to a course, regardless of its status (Unlisted, Incomplete, Public), they will still be able to access it and start learning it.