[Course Forum] Country Mapping by azrael42

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

Is there any maintainer for this course over here?

“Part I of the course covers the 193 member states and the 2 observer states of the United Nations”. And in this first part, there is French Guiana, whereas I’m almost sure it is a part of France, not an independent state. Shouldn’t it be moved somewhere else, for example into level 34?


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You are right, putting French Guiana in the Countries level can create confusion.
Also, Macedonia should be renamed North Macedonia as of 2019.
@azrael42, if you are still active please correct. Thanks.

I’ve fixed this now; thanks for reporting it.

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The ‘Maps of America’ level address this:

-- The South America level contains French Guiana in order to close the territorial gap that has confused
some learners before. In fact, French Guiana is an integral part of France as an overseas department 
and belongs to the European Union.

So, it seems to cause confusion either way… for now, I’ve left it as is, but am open to further discussion/feedback or any better ideas.


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Hi @panickedrill, I too love that course.

Is there space in the description to say you are supporting it and there is a forum N⁰ 27118.

I see there is room in the short description area.

Hi @DW7,

Good idea, thanks - I’ve done this now.

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For information, there has been discussion that only a short bit of the full web address is needed, so one doesn’t have to remove much of the Creators original text.
community.memrise.com/t/ 27118”
Or even less.

Space added after /t/ to let it display! Remove if using it.

I’m not sure if this is maintained, but Eswatini is still listed as Swaziland in this course, and should be updated per the name change in 2018.

Eswatini - Wikipedia

I love this course it has really helped me in geography!

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Yes, it’s very effective! I’ve retained a lot of information in a very short period of time. :slight_smile: