Now I’m in Korean level 1, but I see many problems. Now I’m living in korea, and I speak to native people, and I’m spanish speaker native, I want to informer this error, how I can?
Sorry for my english :S.
Now I’m in Korean level 1, but I see many problems. Now I’m living in korea, and I speak to native people, and I’m spanish speaker native, I want to informer this error, how I can?
Sorry for my english :S.
Are you using one of the memrise courses on your phone?
Is it this one?
Let me know! I don’t know if there is a forum for this course already, but that would be the place to inform memrise about the many problems you have found.
As a Spanish speaker living in Korea, you are in an ideal position to provide some useful feedback! That would be really cool if you could help improve the course.
this course exactly.
I would really like to help, I create a list error when I see this.
Can any of you guys set up a course forum for this course and tag @seba6f91 in it?
Oh, and a little question about creating course forums:
I always see that the words “course forum” appear in square brackets. Do the square brackets happen automatically when you create a course forum or is this just a convention that these words are written with square brackets?
It is a bit of a pain to do square brackets on my Chromebook, is the problem.
Problemas [Español]
Existe un problema, según lo veo yo, genérico en el curso, y es que están las conjugaciones entre informales, formales y muy formales mezcladas, y en este idioma (el coreano) es extremadamente importante esto, por lo que no debería ser tomado a la ligera.
1, 2, 3 y 4: Todas los “romanizados” están en ingles, si se busca que se aprenda la pronunciación, esta incorrecto.
En lo personal, no enseñaría romanizando como esta en los primeros niveles, directamente en coreano.
14° Acá tengo muchas disyuntivas, porque se tradujo ‘그’ como “le” por la partícula? 를, estas partículas son intraducibles al español, y siempre dependen del contexto porque no existen, ademas, puede usar la partícula 는 o 의 o 이 o 가 etc. Por lo que no pondría ningún sujeto coreano con la partícula agregada.(esto para todos!)
No he avanzado mas :P, cuando siga les comento.
@angileptol I thought to tag you here as Spanish specialist. You can add the Korean specialist
I can try explain in English, but. I not know many English :P.
Tomorrow I try explain in English.
Maybe you can get together with the Spanish specialist and sort out what @seba6f91 has found that needs changing in some way.
No need, I have tagged the Korean specialist and Atikker has tagged the Spanish specialist, so I hope that they can sort out your suggestions together
I just found the Korean specialist so hopefully the Korean and Spanish specialists can now sort this out!
I’m not a specialist. But I live areaoun the Korean people approximately 2 mother, for this I see this errors :P, I hope together resolve the question.
It is fantastic that you took the time to mention all these things! This is an example of crowdsourcing at its best
Realizando el repaso me encontré con esto:
“당신은 아파요” Y la tradición dice “están enfermos” pero el sujeto en esta oración no es plural, es “usted”, por lo que lo más correcto a mi parecer es “está enfermo”
“사과”: Aunque efectivamente es manzana y disculpa, cuando se usa como disculpa, se usa con el verbo hacer: 사과하다 que vendría a ser “disculparse”. Aunque es poco usado, va con un objetivo un poco diferente a la disculpa normal que sería 미안하다.
“그것은 정말 맛있어요”: La traducción dice “es muy delicioso” pero está usando 그것, que hace referencia a ubicación, por lo que sería “eso es muy delicioso”