[Course Forum] Comprehensive German Duolingo Vocabulary by bakpao

In Level 15 (Medical), the male voice for “der Krankenwagen” drops the last syllable. He only says “der Krankenwag” without the “-en”. The female voice is fine. I heard it a couple of times and even replayed the audio to make sure.

Thanks, removed the male sound.


I wondering if it were possible for there to be some distinction made in the lessons between the words “rein”, “herein”, “drin”, “drinnen”, “innen”, etc. since they have similar if not the same meaning. Perhaps a short description of the context the word is usually used or just adding something like “[not “____”]” would do the trick (for synonyms)?

Thanks for all your hard work!

This relates to dolinod’s comment about level 63 having sein gefallen instead of haben gefallen - the text is now correct, but the voices are still saying sein gefallen.

Thank you very much for the course!

@daveyc02909 I really dislike “not X” because it usually makes the word too easy to guess. But I agree, they are quite vague, so maybe these are better descriptions for them:

rein = in, to come in (no explicit direction)

herein = in, to come in (towards the speaker)

innen = inside (of an object)

I made drinnen to accept drin (but drin shouldn’t accept drinnen). Drin is a more colloquial form of drinnen. Additionally, drin may also mean darin.

drinnen = indoors, inside

drin = indoors, inside, in there, in it

@anncopestake oops, you are right. I’ll remove them for now

@Geil can you please record the voice for “haben gefallen” and upload it somewhere? Or better yet, if you want to, I can give you editing access so you can upload the voice directly?

“Last (adjective)” is the clue for both “letzte” from Level 53 and “letzt” from Level 64. It’s impossible to tell which of the two forms it is asking for, but, from Memrise’s point of view, they’re not interchangeable (they give yellow errors).

Hallo dolinod,

last is an adjective and means letzte, letzter, letztes, letzten.

And as far as I know letzt is a feminine Noun. It should be changed.

I would be happy to edit it for you. Only things you wish to edit. But yes I can record it for you.

Actually letzt should be removed. letzte is an adjective but it can also be used as a noun. It can be both feminine and masculine.

@bakpao Thanks for the response. I think those descriptions will do the trick. The last thing I’ll ask is that you please do the same for the “out” words as well (e.g. “raus”, “heraus”, “draußen”, etc.). :grin:

@dolinod, @redux2, @duaal thanks, removed letzt. Also changed erst to erste for the same reason.

@Geil you should have access now.

@daveyc02909 thanks for that!

sure, you are right.
But the noun is always with the capital letter L.

Well, of course it is.

? sorry, but: der / die /das Letzte, it depends…

der Letzte von rechts

Sie (she) war die Letzte

Das ist das Letzte, was ich wählen würde.

Er kam als Letzter an.

Als Letztes dreht sie das Licht aus.

Sie ist bis ins Letzte (=äußert) genau.

Es geht ums Letzte (= ums Äußerste).

Er hat ein Letztes zu sagen (etw Abschließendes)


sorry for the typos. I’m having my second coffee.

Done. Added both voices.

@bakpao unfortunately yes, I’m in the middle of a review session right now, and I was quizzed on “to take part.” It marked me wrong for teilnehmen, insisting the answer is mitmachen.

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@Geil thanks!

@dwmem well I can’t reproduce it so you should contact Memrise.

Hey I’m having an issue with level 58 “je…desto”, it gives me the word selector and I choose “je” “…” “desto” but it marks it wrong. Any ideas?

I think you need to put a space there…

I think it may be some kind of bug.