[Course Forum] Comprehensive German Duolingo Vocabulary by bakpao

I very much doubt that ‘Rentier’ is from French considering it ends with -tier meaning animal in German, and if one enters reindeer into an English-to-French dictionary one gets ‘le renne’/‘le caribou’ as the result. Still I’m not German so I can’t say for certain if it’s pronounced wrong in the memrise course, but it doesn’t sound like the German samples on that ‘forvo’ site.

Anyhow, I actually came by to thank you for getting this supplementary course up and running on memrise—it’s been a great aid to me.

Edit: I was suddenly struck by a thought: what if rentier means something completely different in French? Turns out it does; rentier means ‘a person of independent means’.

In level “Places 1”. I suggest changing the translation of die Bauten from “buildings, constructions” to “constructions, buildings” or just “constructions”. Why ?
das Gebäude = "building"
die Gebäude = "buildings"
der Bau = "structure, construction, building"
die Bauten = "buildings, constructions"
When one is reviewing in a fast-paced manner (like me), we tend to just read the first word and quickly type the answer. in the case of “buildings, constructions” I always type die Gebäude because it means “buildings”.
So I suggest re-arranging the translation for die Bauten, actually, it makes sense, die Bauten is more like general constructions than buildings, the word for buildings is die Gebäude.

There are two words spelled Rentier in German.

One is pronounced REHN-tier (or RENN-tier by some) and means “reindeer”.

The other is pronounced renn-TJEE and means “a person of independent means” or “a person who lives on ‘rent’ (in the sense of: income from interest on capital, or something like that)”. This one is from French.

The second word is rare nowadays in my experience; I think I last came across it while reading a Thomas Mann novel in German class at school. (Perhaps also because the “profession” of Rentier is not that common these days.)

Ok updated.

I see, then the question becomes which kind of pronounciation is used in the ‘Christmas’ lesson (in which the animal is being refered to). I cannot check this myself as I don’t know how to get access to a specific ‘card’, and perhaps I’m not the right person to check to begin with since I do not speak German fluently.

“Accusative pronouns” Level in Duolingo has significantly more words covered in the level than in Memrise’s “Level 20 - Accusative pronouns”.

The word “suddenly” should either be changed to “sudden” or have its part of speech changed to adverb, as it’s listed as an adjective and “suddenly” is an adverb. The translation “plötzlich” can obviously be both.

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@BaSsGaz they’re covered in previous levels, for example level 14.

@Kranix thanks fixed.

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Yesterday I got the tree update. Listed below are new words that are still missing from the course that I have encountered sofar.


überweisen - to transfer
der Franken - franc


teurer - more expensive
schneller - faster


(die) Mitternacht - midnight

Perfect 1

haben überwiesen - have transferred


fuhr - drove
schlief - slept
arbeitete - worked


löschen - to delete

ugh why does Duolingo bother with the comparisons? That seems silly to me.


das Lehrbuch - textbook
chemisch - chemical

Business 1

das Arbeitserlaubnis - work permit
(der Kauf - purchase)


geteilt durch - divided by


die Wette - bet
gilt - is valid

Relative Pronouns

billiger - cheaper
denen - those (indirect object)
deren - whose (feminine,plural)
dessen - whose (masculine,neutral)

Classical Music

dirigieren - to conduct, direct

The World

Polen - Poland

@duaal thanks. I don’t add relative words (e.g. faster) because it’s just base word +er. I changed gilt to gelten.

@geil if you have time, can you please add voices for the following (I got the rest from Forvo):

der Franken - franc
haben überwiesen - have transferred
das Lehrbuch - textbook
das Arbeitserlaubnis - work permit
der Kauf - purchase
geteilt durch - divided by

der Kauf was already loaded with audio. But I added audio for the rest. :open_mouth:

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just fyi: it is die Arbeitserlaubnis (not sure whether it is correct in your course, had a quick look but didn’t find it).

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Yes, you are right. It is die Erlaubnis. Sorry.

It is in Business 1.

der Kauf is not a new word so it probably was already in the course somewhere but I could not find it.

Except teurer loses an “e”.

Thanks for adding the words.

Thanks, it seems that Geil fixed it already.

Thanks for that, any special cases should be included.

man / one (person) in Modal Verbs is listed as a verb. It’s a pronoun, obviously.

Two words modifications :
genug : enough - From Comparisons to Adverbs
zu : to - Adverbs

Moreover, is there any way to list all the words in the Memrise course to see if a word is missing or just in a wrong place ?!! If not, could you provide a list ?

You forgot to add ‘Die Märkte’ Markets in Level 18 Places. Thanks!