[Course Forum] CarpeLanam's Duolingo Latin - Sentences by zsocipuszmak

Verba Gaii non vera sunt perhaps?

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now it’s also added :slight_smile: thanks

Do you think with “Licetne mihi nunc abire?” (verbs present tense 3, lesson 4) that “Licetne mihi abire nunc?” is a reasonable alternative?

It does sound right to me. Just added as an alternative :slight_smile:

Panis non malus est ?

Added as well. Thank you!

In the lesson Verbs Present Tense 3, lesson 5 the sentence “Meministine?” “Do you remember?” I think is a plural form, so you might want to warn in the English as you do elsewhere.

That’s actually the singular form, the plural would be ‘Meministisne?’ (‘memini’ is a defective verb, for which the perfect forms are used to indicate present tense.)

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Hi there, CarpeLanam has very kindly agreed to release her course notes on cc-by-sa, so we are porting her notes to Wikiversity:


If anyone wants to help, please just plunge ahead – there’s quite a lot to move across!


Thank you, Jim, for posting here! I am very pleased to have the course hosted by Wikiversity, and excited there has been so much interest and support for it thus far. Once I figure out the technical details of exactly how to edit it in its new format, I plan to provide as much support and expansion as I am able. And a big thanks to zsocipuszmak for supporting this course all this time.


it’s been my absolute pleasure! :slight_smile:

Thank you both for your work :slight_smile:

On the technical side, the easiest thing is trial and error, and / or copying from other places, I find. The good news is that tables are easy. Also, inserting pictures from Wikimedia etc.

I’ve nearly got halfway now …

Simia non pulchra est?

added, thanks!

Panis non malus est?

I am not sure what stage this is at but I have already been using this and have aleady been finding it an amazing resource. My thanks to all.

I found that it was already added as an alternative.

Sorry about that. I always try to triple check first. My glasses must have been blurry! Thanks sorry for false alarm.

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no problem, thanks for your help with improving the course! :slight_smile:

“Magistra discipulos verbum novum docebit.” » should this be “discipulis”?

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